Old Crap is a great new site about retrocomputers

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/25/old-crap-is-a-great-new-site-about-retrocomputers.html


neat something GIF


Oooh they have the super-cute Apple IIc - that has to be one of the best looking machines ever produced. The design still looks sleek and modern.

If only you could still get small machines in this form factor I’d be so much happier than [looks at desk] all the cables trailing over my desk.


I remember those days.

we didn’t really have commercial crap cluttering our screens.


That EXACT case would be great for a portable gamering machine. You could fit a full size GPU behind the keyboard! None of that laptop/MXM cash burner formfactor.


The Atari ST section is missing the pinnacle achievements of this line of computers, the Falcon 030 and the TT030. People are still actively building, upgrading, and developing for these computers. They have network adapters, USB port adapters, and SD card floppy drive replacements. There are even upgrades to more powerful CPUs and memory expansions, for people who don’t mind performing major surgery.

I don’t blame people for continuing to hack them. Compared to modern PC hardware it was several times easier to open the hood and tinker back then.


I have a complete Apple IIe in original boxes with the original monitor and printer along with all the original documentation and assorted software.

It’s way in the back of our attic, it’s safe and dry but the last time I was up there there were a couple big wasp nests on the well sealed boxes. The nests are long abandoned.

I really should plug it in and play around.


The filtering caps in the power supply might blow releasing their magic fishy smelling smoke if they happen to be the notorious Rifa branded type but they won’t really hurt anything else so I say go for it. Alternately you can preemptively snip them out if you’re comfortable poking around inside a power supply. Plenty of good tutorials floating around on how to do so.


Wow, this is apparently all someone’s personal collection! I thought I had a lot of old computers but I have nothing on this person and certainly not the dedication to document them all to this degree.


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