Olive Oil lies

Ooh, where do you get salmon fat? (Don’t say salmon :smile: )

If UCLA and the Italian police say there is a problem with olive oils, then I believe them. BTW, it’s ‘70% of olive oil is adulterated with other types of oil’, not that they’re fake. Of course, it’s well known that Italian wines have been adulterated with all sorts of additives, including animal blood to give it body. Anyway:

Your Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Is Fake | Food Renegade http://www.foodrenegade.com/your-extravirgin-olive-oil-fake/

My gripe is that olive oil doesn’t taste like olives. Here in the States, olive oil has no real flavor, even the small farm produced oils. When I was a kid in Spain, olive oil tasted like olives. I’ve only found one oil here that even comes close to that. It makes a massive difference in a salad or fritatta if your oil has flavor.


Salmon. I would say that it would be criminal to acquire it any other way, but so much salmon is processed without the skin that there must be some somewhere.

Or all the people who process salmon take the skins home. I would. Interestingly, I find Canola highly reminiscent of salmon fat. This ersatz fraud is probably why I dislike it.

Re: olive oil in the hierarchy of oils: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WrjwaqZfjIY

Also I find it amusing that you say something so clearly wrong then offer to write food stories. It might be that your posts would get the most links since they would obviously be “controversial.”

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Does no one get hyperbole? Seriously, I was being facetious, and I don’t know how I could have made it more obvious. I don’t much care for olive oil, it is alright… But I listed whale blubber. Did that not trip your sarcasm sensor?

Should I have listed diesel as well? Wd-40?


Perhaps my tongue in cheek reply was too subtle.

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Okay, let’s be serious here. What is oil good for?

Softening of leavened doughs
Cooking in a water free environment

Olive oil, even though you can potentially use it in all those categories, is surpassed in all but Flavor (in certain circumstances) and emulsions (in certain circumstances).

Lubrication of food is best done with the most neutral oils, like grape. Softening of doughs is best done with room temp solid fats such as milkfat or butter. Cooking in a water free environment is best done with oils that have an even higher temp, to preserve their lifespan. Peanut oil is the king there.


fist bump

Also removal of sticker adhesive residue. Butter works well there too.

Todo: try out if it works also on that heavy-duty adhesive used for lamination of polarizing foils on LCD screens. The alternatives tend to be expensive and/or noxious.

Also, canola oil is used for cooling/insulating transformers. Would olive oil work the same way too? What are its dielectric properties and stability?

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BTW, not to humblebrag (but I am) has anyone else here picked, cured, and made their own olive oil? I also have caper bushes, but when I tried to make a nova lox from scratch I felt cured nasturtium seeds were better.

Butter works okay in a pinch, but nothing beats wd-40 for that task. (Wanna hear boring sticker removal stories?)

Boring, or sticker removal? :smiley:

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The stickers were very boring (not another Metallica sticker, please!?)

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Haters gonna hate.

(Trader Joe’s E.V. Spanish is one of my kitched staples. Sorry, Jeremy).


I made a cheap joke that didn’t land :).

Ever made compound or infused oils? Even olive oil can be ‘improved’ by adding a single, high quality olive for a few days.

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So buy the imported stuff from Trader Joe’s.

I take all of my information from headlines or titles alone.

All this post means to me is that there is a reason Bluto is grinning & Popeye is going to be pissed.

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I have bought the best rated (for taste) imported olive oil from Trader Joes. I tried 3 based on gourmet ratings and from the staff at the store. I did find Trader Joe’s ‘100% Greek Kalamata Extra Virgin Olive Oil’ OK, but not really tasting like olives. I also tried a few expensive types on Amazon based on ratings and customer comments, but I found the same. Coincidentally, I did find a very tasty olive oil from a local shop that buys bulk oils and sells to the public in their or your bottles. They have one that actually tastes like green olives, called Coratina Extra Virgin olive Oil. And that’s what I buy now. It’s as close as I’ve been able to find.

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we cut ours with cashews about 50/50. I’ve heard some folks use walnuts.

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I am glad I am not crazy, and didn’t come to this realization on my own :smile:

(I have friends that cook pesto noodles till the emulsion separates. I have no words)