When I was 8 (1980), I was obsessed with both ONJ/ELO, and Queen. I had scraped together just enough cash to buy my first LP, and it was a choice between the Xanadu and Flash Gordon soundtracks. At the time I was slightly more into the FG movie, so I bought that one. HUGE MISTAKE. Other than the title track, the rest of the album was just the score with some dialogue bits mixed in. Meanwhile, both went out of print for years and years and it wasn’t until maybe the late 90s until Xanadu had a re-release on CD.
One of our local theaters has shown a 35mm print of Xanadu a couple of times in the last few years, and what a treat it has been to watch it again.
We normally don’t play our music on jobsites because we’re old and the young people don’t like our music.
Today, too bad, it was Olivia concerts for a few hours. I only had to roll my eyes at two people, one asked “who’s that?”, and the other said “used to be a fan”.
C’mon now, gurl; surely you can guess the end of that particular story, just based on consistent posting history.
Personally it gives me a real buzz, introducing younger folks to cool music that they weren’t hip to previously.
And on the other end of that spectrum, I also love being exposed to good tunes that were not previously known to me.
Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush is a great example; ST featured it this last season, and owning to my particular demographics, it wasn’t a song I had ever been familiar with (just like many denizens of the aforementioned younger generations were not) … though you had mentioned the artist several times on this site prior to the show airing…
Yep. I think lots of people (not just young people) were introduced to that and Metallica’s Master of Puppets and Siouxsie’s Spellbound (the end song on the last episode).
Yep. She was just never as big here as she was in the UK, which is a shame…
Sometimes when people cock an ear to my speakers and said “who is this?” to something I love, I get a twinge of jealousy. Someone’s going to have a really good day, finding something awesome for the first time.