On Liz not endorsing Bernie

Honestly people acting this way are making me feel bad about myself for voting for Sanders in the primary. Like, honestly, it makes me doubt him even more. I already disagree with several key points in his platform but think that his overall efforts are worth pushing for and I support them (M4A mostly) with such depth and sincerity that I’m willing to tank personal loss even if it would make for a better outcome. However, I have at risk family. I have parents with issues like COPD and mental health problems/dementia etc. I have only my savings to live off of. I did not have a rich family. I do not have anyone or anything to fall back on in this world and if I go down everyone who depends on me goes along with me. That’s a feeling of responsibility and duty that just doesn’t fit with the kind of glib jock attitude I’m seeing here. It truly nauseates. If that’s what the left is becoming then it is the same thing as the right. So far I’ve seen Trump used like a cudgel to browbeat others among way too many people I actually know IRL. “Give me what I want or I’ll sick Trump on you and you’ll deserve it!” Like it or not that is how it comes off. And the way I see it if you can say that then he works for you.

Then you get people like this who really do not get that many of us do not enjoy being spoken of like a sacrifice for their favorite candidate’s chances or whatever short term score it would net them. “Who cares if you die if it gets me what I want !!!”

“Friends” like that aren’t friends. They’re not even allies. Far as I can tell they’re just naive fascists who like a different authority figure but haven’t sussed out that it’s not about who but how.

Fricking assholes… way too many of 'em.