On white collar and blue collar jobs

The problem is wealthy white women who don’t give a damn about poor women.

And yes, even other wealthy white women can call out their peers for having this bias.

Maybe adjuncts do. I know many who tend bar.

Professors, not so much.

For as long as I have had an advanced degree, I haven’t had to take a 45- minute hot shower after work, haven’t come home aching, haven’t come home stinking or covered in gunk or oil, haven’t been demeaned or hassled or hazed at work, and haven’t been injured on the job. I haven’t had to deal with this stuff since I was in my early 20s. What’s more, as long as I’m drawing a paycheck, I never have to worry about covering the rent or keeping the lights on or choosing between food and medicine. At least, not anymore. I consider myself very lucky to have gotten out of that, and I don’t look down on people who do whatever they need to do to survive. I do feel that more privileged people tend to trivialize the experiences of the working poor.