Once again, eating less, less often shown to help people manage their weight

You forgot about the South Bronx Paradise Diet.


Unfortunately it’s far from this simple in practice, thanks to the magic of the endocrine system.

This is clear from carefully controlled dietary studies. For example, here’s a study that fed study populations the exact same diets across consecutive testing phases, only varying the total salt content in each testing phase. This caused massive changes to both baseline metabolism and hunger cues. When on the high-salt diets, study participants had significantly increased bodily energy consumption – but complained about hunger constantly. Once again, calorically and nutritionally, the high-salt and low-salt diets were exactly the same except for the salt content.

(edit: typo fix for accuracy)


One year, though. It’s not that much time in terms of diet effectiveness. Lots of people can keep weight off for a year or two, then gain it all back.


Over the years, most of the research on fasting options that I’ve read says that the body goes into crisis mode – starts to slow down metabolism because it’s worried about starvation – so it might work for a while but then you get stuck on a plateau. And to make matters worse, any time you increase food intake after that you run the risk of immediate weight gain that is much harder to lose. Basically, you train your body to assume food scarcity issues, so it will store up just in case.


I had a lot of trouble with 5/2 and gave it up after about 6 months. But I’ve found daily 16 hour fasts to be pretty painless. I generally keep my eating between 2pm and 10pm (except for sugar in my morning coffee, haven’t been able to kick that) and maybe I’ll have a little bit of hunger from 12-1, but just as often I’ll look up and it will be 4 and I haven’t missed food a bit. Between that and slowly ramping my physical activity back up to pre-covid levels I’ve been able to drop about 15-20 lbs since Thanksgiving while gaining muscle mass.


I have been doing this since November, when i started trying to be good, but prob only really stuck to it after Christmas as over here in the UK Christmas is 2 weeks of binge eating and drinking!

I started at 112kg and i was getting up to a 40" + waist line so wanted to do something, i had tried diets etc and it did nothing for me, so i stopped eating after 5pm, I would also so i have always gone the gym 2 or 3 times a week and hiked and biked, but was still putting weight on.

So I have my breakfast in work at 8am dinner in work at 12 and then tea at home when i get in just after 430pm and then dont eat any thing after that ( so nothing, but some times maybe twice a week post gym i will eat small amount of cheese and crackers, or a handful of nuts, but i try and make sure its not every night) Which made a bit of difference, def cutting out my nightly post gym / general evening toast at 10pm got me down to 106kg, but then after that i was still giving in and eating chocolate as long as it was pre that 5pm cut off maybe pre 7.

But I then moved my snacking to work hours, and now only eat rubbish food in work, this helped with weight loss even more and i am now down to 103kg, and the other day a managed to get in to a 34" waist pair of shorts from the early 2000’s i still had. ( I would prob be lower but after my nan died, i had 3 weeks of eating out late and night, with family as we organized things and i put wight on :frowning: )

some weeks i will eat awfully and still loose a little weight, timing of what i eat seem to make a lot of difference, its hard to stick to, thou as I work in a school so every 7 weeks i am away on holiday some where then, dont gym it or eat right and then it takes me two weeks to get back into the gym and a good routine, i reckon i would be so much further along if i could be more constant.

I did loose 2kg last week but i also went the gym 3 nights and road my bike 80k in to 40k stints, so i would not want to say just cutting when i eat down alone made a difference, but i was going the gym and all the other stuff pre changing when i eat, but i was not loosing weight if any thing was putting on, but i freele admit i am stress eater so was also eating a lot of junk late a night, so not sure if its the only eating till 5pm or the fact that i dont eat all the junk late a night any more, cos i def eat lots of cake a biscuts in work as there is all ways stuff in the staff room.


Who funded this study? I’d like to do a nutrition study to prove that eating more, more often can be shown to make you gain weight. Flat grant only.


Though we eat 2 meals a day. Breakfast and an early dinner. I have found that it’s the “other “ eating to avoid.
If I do not eat or drink ( water is not counted ) between meals I loose weight. Yes having a beer or a cocktail after dinner is a tough one.


T1D here too. I actually really like taking a 24hr fast every month or so to check my basal rates.

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But there are medical conditions where more, smaller meals are healthier, even medically prescribed.

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to nutrition.


Well done, I don’t have enough consistency to be able to do that.

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Sounds intriguing, but just how do you go about checking your basal rates?

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