One bullet, 100 prisoners: Can you crack this brain-teaser?

Blame video games.

You do you, but the threat of execution by a wannabe cop isn’t a ton better. Threats of violence are a form of violence, and violence shouldn’t be a part of anyone’s sentence. Full stop.

For the enduring belief that prisoners are undeserving of basic human rights, or for your tired joke about people being triggered by gun violence? Because the former (and push-back against it) has been around a heck of a lot longer than video games. The latter sounds like it could have been pulled from the feculent depths of a 4chan gamer board, but reposting it is still on you.


I guess you don’t get the job then

I have no idea if this is real or not

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Animated GIF


Here’s hoping Mark’s daughter didn’t pick up this puzzle from her summer internship :grimacing:


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