One in ten Britons pull their own teeth, fill cavities, or do other DIY dental work on themselves


I suspect it doesn’t work very well too.

Pee definitely makes the rounds in folk-medicine but if urea or something like that in pee was able to cure dental infections I’m pretty sure we’d be creating it in labs and selling it in dental settings or otc the way we do in skincare…

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Essentially saying that what people are doing is just wrong, and they should not resort to that. It’s fine that they would do that, but saying that others available choices is the same is making assumptions about others. I personally, am finding people taking their own options with regards to life and projecting them on the rest of humanity to be tedious and self-centered.

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Since it’s Friday, I’ll leave this here:

ETA: “These”


I recall a method reportedly (still?) used many years ago by Russia to extract tonsils. A suitably large tube would be inserted into the patient’s mouth. A pre-cooled with LN2 instrument would be inserted through the tube and be used to numb the area to be worked on, deadening it. Then the snipping would begin. The claim was that the operation would take less than 15 minutes and would not require anesthesia.


How is saying “l wouldn’t do that” projecting onto others? I wouldn’t eat a raw tomato, but saying that says nothing about what others would do.

Because it’s absolutely making a judgement on what others are doing, I’d argue. YMMV.

Just watch Marathon Man and you’ll learn all about dentistry.

We are deep into the woods here in terms of meta commentary. However, iIlike to think of boing boing as broadly safe place to engage, so I going to go for honesty.

Truth of the matter is that I didn’t write a very good reply.
I was eager to get the information about NHS costs into the forum quickly. And in that haste, I didn’t really add context to make it bulletproof. I just added a flippant personal comment at the end.
It swiftly became clear that the costs were irrelevant, that in fact that dentists were refusing to treat people, and that was the cause of the self surgery. Which is wretched.

I only ever referred to my personal horror at the idea of pulling my own teeth. Maybe you think that’s lawyering and weasel words. Maybe you think that the juxtaposition of my personal feelings next to such a desperate situation implies judgement on my part. But technically I made no judgement on others, and It was far from my intention to do so.

But, If you need to be angry at me, that’s fine. The situation sucks badly and we need to be angry at someone who will actually feel it, even if their not the problem.


Thanks for clarifying!

No anger towards you personally. As you said, you made a flippant comment (which we’re all prone to) and of course, given the larger context, it made little sense, and felt a little condescending to the people making these choices in a tough situation. :woman_shrugging:

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