One upside of the Bernie Blackout: Sanders is not facing a frontrunner's backlash

And yet, when you look at the demographics of the 2016 election, the three key predictors of Trump voting were (1) whiteness, (2) maleness, and (3) wealth.

All groups of white people voted majority Trump, but working class whites voted for Trump at a lower rate than any other economic group. Overall, the working class (which is very much not white in the USA) were the base of the strongest opposition to Trump’s election.

Fascism is a middle class pathology, based in the suppression of the working class and the defence of fading privilege. It comes from above, not below.

OTOH, there is one way in which the “working class rejection of neoliberalism gave us Trump” narrative is true; the shittiness of the establishment Democratic party is the primary cause of low turnout among working class communities (of all races, not just white).

As I posted elsewhere: