Ongoing coronavirus happenings

Don’t see these assholes arguing about no shoes, no service being unconstitutional, do you? It’s the same damn thing!


Obvious shit is obvious


Erm. That’s not how Bayesian inference works as far as I am concerned. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(In all earnestness, if cases like this continue to crop up, some people will look at it. But given the margins of error in testing and including the possibility even of lab errors, I would still place my bets on the majority of researchers who believe this didn’t happen.

That opinion combines results from the virologists who said they could ID several different strains (and found no indication of earlier strains) from full sequences, the virologists at lager labs who looked at samples from November and December, the immunologists who had a look at blood bank samples for Covid-19 specific IG-G antibodies (I didn’t look for links, but remember some expert discussion about this).

Oh, and BTW, I don’t say that lightly. I was basically ill from mid-November onwards, with a serious cough (depending on budesonide + formotero for a MONTH, and including a visit in the ER around Christmas to exclude any pneumonia, bacterial infection, and influenza I could pass on during the holidays), was slowly feeling better and fell violently sick again around the 20th of Febuary (when I had met a sibling who just returned from China). It’s been a hell of a time so far. I will get an immunoassay as soon as I am sure I’m not draining testing capacities away from medical workers and my practitioner agrees to it. Just to be sure. I think I am a rather sceptical person, but I trust the research community so far on this: not likely that SARS-CoV was here before mid-January.


So has anyone noticed that in the US COVID-19 deaths have a weekly cycle?

Lows on Sundays, highs on Tuesdays. It is odd. Reflecting people being exposed at work, but staying home on weekend?


It was mentioned early on as a combination of testing lag and reporting lag, but I’m not sure if that continues to be the case.


I do not believe that all the people who had the flu in December and now speculate that they had coronavirus had coronavirus. I do think the current speculation by some virologists, based on actual cases, is not unscientific, and knowledge about the virus is growing rapidly enough that declaraitions from late February/early March should not be treated as gospel.


Brazilian horror story:

After opening the coffin at the wake and finding a body of a stranger, the family discovers that an elderly woman with Covid-19 is alive

The Pará Department of Health (Sespa) acknowledged the error and stated that there is an overload of the funerary system during the pandemic. According to the statement, the Death Verification Service (SVO) attended 35 cases last Friday, of which about 50% were due to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which is about 20 times more than normal.

“With the opening of the Hospital for the emergency room, the procedures and routines were totally changed. Problems are being identified, as far as possible, corrected. We are fighting to give dignity to families in this moment of pain”, says an excerpt from the note.


That poor family. And the family of the person who actually had died. So sad.


Right, testing occurring during the reg work week and results posted the following Monday perhaps.


i assume it’s got to be partially that so many reporting agencies, maybe test facilities are closed on sundays. monday and tuesday people are probably working through a weekend backlog

it’s odd tho that the media hasn’t noticed it. every week they’re like “the numbers fell over the weekend.”


When I saw this news on TV, I was outraged. And we have a real avalanche of absurd cases. According to the newspapers, the situation in the north of Brazil is totally chaotic.

Because of the risk of contamination, wakes are prohibited and coffins must remain locked. Many people, desperate with doubt, end up breaking the health rules and opening the coffins to make sure that their loved ones are really inside.

To make the chaos worse, many criminals are spreading fake news about fake funerals, with coffins full of stones being buried only, they said, to increase the death toll.


Who knew.


For your grandparents?


It’s almost like they’re stupid and incompetent.


This Las Vegas vlogger spent 10 minutes breaking down the new rules casinos and convention spaces will have to abide by when they reopen


Such a late rollout: You don’t even have to consider the veracity of this excuse based on that.


UK ambassador asks Britons in Brazil to return ‘immediately’.


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


People are saying that this is a standard embassy statement for their citizens who happen to be outside their country of origin.

Unfortunately, this warning came at the same time that several studies point to an amazing increase in the number of cases of this disease in the country.

That kind of news these days makes anyone nervous.