OREO built an asteroid-proof Oreo bunker in the Arctic

You do realize that this is just a plasterboard frame plopped onto the tundra, right? or are you playing along with this actually rather well done satire…

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Horrible security breach. By divulging the precise coordinates the aliens can now simply re-target the asteroid to that point. Unless… the coordinates are really those for the Keebler vault!

Well played, Oreo. Well played. :sunglasses:


Seeds can sprout after being dormant for centuries if not millenia, and if you know how to generate a tree from a digital file I would love to hear it – that would be the most incredible biological breakthrough in human history by far


Oh, yes, of course. It’s how poured concrete finishing/surface effects can be achieved, and often not by design. Some brutalist architects took advantage of this method. Some modern minimalist interiors, too.

But in Oreo’s case I suspect no concrete was poured. :wink:

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Svalbard … Oreos … ? Clearly, this is just an elaborate scheme to catch children and sever them from their souls.

There are facilities that rent out space. Im sure this is one closet in a real larger vault company.

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