Originally published at: Orion spacecraft zipped by the Moon this morning just 81 miles above the lunar surface | Boing Boing
I looked it up and the date is December 11. Pity! If it was later in the month, it might have made a nice “Santa” to show the young children. As in, “See that light? That’s his sleigh.”
We did this with the International Space Station sometimes, it was good fun. The ISS can be tracked here.
Sorry if it is too early to be talking about Christmas
Yeah, but there are supply-chain problems with getting enough nuclear bombs.
ESA have supplied a Sean the Sheep doll for the crew - which is awesome; but they really should have taken these two to the Moon:
Godspeed, Orion!
Goodspeed, Orion.
Ludicrous speed, Orion!
There are endless iterations left to us.
You are on speed, ORION… or AMION speed?
That’s a dream machine
A Ford Escort with a boot (trunk) stuck on the back instead of a hatchback? More of a nightmare.
Actually, a partner of mine had one (an Orion) many, many years ago and I did on one occasion get it well beyond 100mph. I was very young and, shall we say, less risk averse back then.
Gimme that RS2000 you can just see in the top left instead.
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