Oversold, understated and authoritarian: debullshitifying the reporting on United's "removal" of Dr David Dao

I mean, how many other industries have their own “Bill of Rights” imposed on them by a government agency? Ok, probably a lot, but still, they aren’t regularly referred to that way in the popular media.

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Do we have the Holocaust Centers ready?


somehow I got it into my silly little head that “Highway Patrol Australia” was an excellent program. The have a serious problem with “P-Platers” driving 45mph in a 35 mph zone, AND not paying car registration fees, It’s a scary place, down under.


Don’t expect happy pixies to come out with a smiling change of the rules to prevent this in favor of passengers’ rights.

If United had someone with a working brain, they’d have had the Captain declare he was “uncomfortable” with one passenger or another and ordered them off the plane and there’d be diddly anyone could do legally as I understand it.

Watch for a future uptick in “security” issues when they need seats like this as expecting a company that large to actually reform is a pure fantasy. There aree few if any working brains in most of these companies now. That’s why this stuff keeps happening. No one is really in charge who can make rational on-the-spot decisions.

The first aspect of their reform will be to ask their counsel “How could we have done this legally and what can we do make it legal for the next time” as opposed to “What can we do so this never happens?”

Oh, they could also invoke their rule about recording security procedures as soon as the “cops” cam on board to make sure no one got a visual. Remind people they can be removed in the same manner if they do not put their camera phones away right now.

I cancelled my United credit card and it will be a very long time before I fly them again unless there really are major change sin favor of the passenger, which I do not expect to occur. They can pretty much stuff my accumulated miles up their exhaust port.


In the '60s or '70s there was a university psychologist that did an infamous experiment involving randomly selected volunteers acting as either guards or prisoners. It was shut down because the volunteers all became invested in their roles. Guards became sadistic, prisoners became emotionally fragile.

A similar event is taking place at airports where homeland security’s authority is reflected by almost anyone working there. If you haven’t seen it, you’re blind.


My problem was always paying them at the last minute, and then forgetting that California will take a small ice age to actually send you the sticker and paperwork. So I could be driving around for a couple months with technically current registration but my tags were expired. I only got ticketed once but I got pulled over plenty for it. I much prefer Washington state’s privatized “pay online and waltz into an office for your sticker”. In and out in 10 minutes tops. I’ve also been pulled over for “illegally tinted windows”, but as I’d just bought the car that wasn’t my fault, it came that way.

Never had a speeding ticket though. Not a single moving violation.


I am not sure that there is much difference between punching you until you pass out, or smashing your face against a hard object, and doing the same damage.



I was just thinking about the logic being used here and I found it illustrative to imagine a similar scenario in another kind of business - like a restaraunt.
If I owned a restaurant which became full, could I beat a customer bloody and drag him out of my business if he didn’t surrender his seat for a new customer? If the answer to that is no, then why does this business get a pass when they do it?
I’m also wondering why there haven’t been criminal charges.


There likely won’t be criminal charges, if there are though i’d welcome it. I do expect a civil case to be filed though. Definitely against United, though i wonder if the passenger in question will also sue the airport’s security.


Your cognitive dissonance is surpassed only by your ability to convince yourself you actually know what you’re talking about.


By all means, educate me.

With half truths and lies swaying so many people in so many different areas, I don’t think Cory is doing anyone a service with hyperbole.

As I agreed with @grey_devil , his injuries were 100% the fault of their treatment and they are 100% culpable.

Wanting to be “fair” about the description of the event doesn’t mean to let them off the hook.


Forgive me, I should have thought of this sooner…

It appears they were basically Sky Mall cops…


UA did seem to stumble on a solution for inability to snooze on flight: knock passengers unconcious.



Thank you for this article. I am glad you looked into if United had done something wrong, rather than into the poor man’s criminal history. One is relevant to this story… one is not. Good informative reporting.


I am tired of these motherfucking scorpions…err yeah.


#Man is Welcomed Aboard by UA Customer Relations Expert.


What? Free scorpion? Southwest never offers those.

Also, never really thought about someone from Calgary being a Calgarian, but I guess that makes sense.