Overworked animation team causes delay for Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse

no way, i thought it was great fun, and a beautiful movie.

my main criticisms were :

  1. i didn’t know it was a two-parter, and i absolutely despise that trend. at the length it was; it could and should have been a complete story.
  2. the art, and miles attachment to art, really drove the first movie in stunningly unique ways. it’d be hard to reach those first heights; and, i don’t think they did.
  3. some of the dialog was really poorly mixed; i definitely missed some stuff, and so did the people i went with.
  4. the people behind me kept being blown away by every well telegraphed plot “twist” – their gasps were only cute the first few times. seriously. :cat:

the fact it’s done so well will – i’m sure – mean lord/miller are going to keep overworking their art teams.

right or wrong, i’d like to believe the movie was great despite them, rather than because of them.


Most folks didn’t; it didn’t even appear on the promo art until the movie was released.

I kept my expectations low for the second installment, (as most sequels tend to just be an underwhelming rehash, IMO.)

I was pleasantly surprised that AtSV was far better than my personal low expectations.


oh wow. that explains a lot.

same! and it was definitely worthwhile catching it in the theater.


If they’re all tied up on #3 I guess I shouldn’t have my hopes up for a 3-d version of #2. What a mistake. Into the Spider-Verse was easily the best 3-d movie I’ve ever seen.

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