Oxford study says just shake hands, don't kiss strangers

Body condom!

It seems they surveyed people outside the UK. From the Telegraph article:

Unexpectedly Italians were less comfortable with being touched than Russians, while overall Finns were the most comfortable.

(Dorsal Finns or pectoral? Heyyyoooo)


I am fine with, with the exception of my spouse, the awkward half-wave and dubious facial expression, or hands-in-oneā€™s-own-pockets " 'sup", or subvocalized grunting while looking off in another direction.


Understatement of the century, right there.


I have a friend who is a trans woman. She transitioned late in life. We know each other through our temple, and since she has no car, I have sometimes driven her to events and, naturally, we ended up spending the event together as well. Iā€™ve been a member much longer than her, so I am better acquainted with everyone, but it has been interesting to observe how even though the men are very nice to her, they are reluctant to touch her at all, whereas with me they lean right in for a kiss or a hug. And I notice that unlike most of my female friends, when I drop her off at her house she doesnā€™t lean over and expect a hug and I canā€™t quit figure out how to do it because sheā€™s not open to it.

I wonder about how it affects her, this expectation that she will not be touched. I donā€™t thinks she even really sees what is happening at a conscious level.


Some dogs wonā€™t do that.
Which gave rise to the expression: ā€œThat dog wonā€™t cunt.ā€ :wink:

Going by the charts? Dorsal.

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Are you close enough to ask her about a good-bye hug? She might prefer this imposed physical isolation, some people just arenā€™t touchers, but probably not. She probably just got used to people being way too uncomfortable if she initiated anything or she is quite naturally wary of touching others, given all the shit transgender people catch.

Yeahā€¦ and the owners get soooo embarrassed. I just gently push a dogā€™s snout away from that area and then distract them with ear scratches.

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Tell that to people in Brazil!


ā€¦or not touchĆ©. That is the question.


Kinda off-topic, also kinda directed @LDoBe and @Michael_Whisman : I donā€™t have any proof nor figures to back my hunch, but have a strong feeling that lack of any human contact at least contributes to high suicide rates in teenage males. From what Iā€™ve observed, once they get to that grunting adolescent stage, unless theyā€™ve got a boy/girlfriend, they get very little physical contact, even from parents. Although perhaps they get incidental contact if they play sports?

So to bring it slightly back to topic, perhaps if they were raised in cultures where hugging and/or cheek-kissing was more common, their suicide rates could be lower.



A study of suicide rates of teenage males in cultures that both have that kind of continual contact and those that do not would be really interesting.


Iā€™m concerned about the resolution in the charts: Based on that it looks like itā€™s more okay to touch one boob than the other.


Not off topic I donā€™t thinkā€¦ I thought it had been long reconized that teenagers in general were ā€œtouch-deprivedā€.

This came up on my first google search:

I used to work at a massage college (and I so miss the regular massages), as massage is a regulated health service in Ontario the program had a comprehensive ethics component that mostly focussed on the emotions of clients and how to manage that (also no dating/sexing clients allowed!). Crying during massage is commonplace. People tell their RMTs super personal things, break down on the table, have intense emotional releases, and the theory is: we are all touch deprived. (And everyone should get regular massages!)


THANK YOU, that reminds me to set an appointment. You are so right about that.


Hear this sound? Itā€™s the sound of 200 millions of Brazilians laughing at this research.

Boundaries in intimacy are cultural. Biased research is biased.


This is not selling me on the concept of massages.


Itā€™s not a requirement. You donā€™t have to cry. Just if you do, know theyā€™ve been trained to handle your emotional outbursts. :wink:


I just find massages/spas etc dull. Being ā€˜pamperedā€™ is just boring. I get nothing out of it.

Iā€™d rather be left alone with a book.

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