PA paper publishes letter calling for Obama's execution, then apologizes when readers complain

But crazies have their “voice heard” online these days.

I would go to newspapers in order to see a carefully curated set of voices that even if I disagree, wouldn’t make me want to hit the “reset society and nuke us all from orbit” button.

They have a greater obligation to not post a freakshow these days, especially as old media’s unmoderated comments sections are peppered with racial epithets and horror.


That area of Pa. is about as far North you can get while still being in the South!

I call it PennTuckey, and ain’t nothing but a bunch of squirrel eaters out that’a ways!

We call it the T. Look at a map of Pennsylvania and draw a box around Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh, and you have two entirely different states.

I think he meant calls for Bush the Lesser’s execution, which I don’t really recall being a common thing. Mostly calls for impeachment and a trial at The Hague.

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D’oh, thank you. Apologies to @Carla_Sinclair for snarkiness. :grimacing:

Oh, well that’s a dumb false equivalency.

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Back when I was in college, it was library graffiti. Following that it was very difficult to maintain faith in humanity.

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I worked for a small town newspaper for a year and watched the letters to the editor process. There were always more letters than space, so decisions were made: important community information and thank you’s first, then well written protests/opinions on local matters, then well written protests/opinions on state/national matters (regardless of political position), then the marginal nutbags if space permitted (edited for decency if necessary).

Occasionally a nutbag was placed higher in the queue if it was particularly ranty in an entertaining way, and also to have an example to point to, to say “look, we give everyone equal time here, even the red-faced apoplectic wingnuts.”

Saw the same on liberal news sites when Bush was in power. They even made a movie fantasizing about killing Bush. FOX comments, by contrast are far more tame.

Where were you from 2003-2008?

That didn’t work for MRAs. The more they’re ‘put out there’ the more chance a currently isolated dingbat will stumble across evidence that they’re not alone and therefore must be right.

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But at least they were in libraries, right?


No you didn’t. You heard it on some reactionary (“conservative”) site that it was true, so you believe it.

By “they”, you mean people in another country, right? That was a British movie. And the plot device put Cheney in power, not a liberal.

Nope. Fox comments are lies meant to intimidate, threaten, and tear apart the country. But hate speech is protected by the Constitution, so they get to keep on doing it.


Living in reality based reality, not hanging on every word published by the likes of Drudge.


Did you get a representative sample to compare against, or cherry-picked and amplified extremes?

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