Paid Comments

I’ve read this twice and I totally don’t remember anything about cricket. I bet I was just as confused when I read this as I am now!

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Sometimes you are an ass. Other times, you are not.*

It’s the people who are always asses that get annoying.

They need to be pounded so hard.

Sometimes I like a post, think “hrm. Who is this person, what else have they said?” and go look at their profile, and go “OMG this is the useless meat-bag I was arguing with yesterday, aaaargh!” then go “hrm. Well, they were okay this one time, I guess.” and scroll down a bit and go “oh, and that other time, we were agreeing then too. Hunh.” and scroll a bit more “oh, yeah, I remember that now, that was funny!”

* I’m sure the “not an ass” applies to me at all times. [takes down halo, polishes an invisible spot, smugly hangs it back up in air above head]


Golf tournaments come to an end at some point.

See, Uma Thurman!

Agreed, and in case it came across that way, I didn’t mean to suggest that I think BB should change to have a paid requirement. Only that the concept was an interesting idea that I hadn’t seen used before.


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