Well, we’ve already got one on the table.
But if you need another more generically political solution: how about this?
Relevant factors:
- Innocent people are getting killed and innocent families are destroyed, creating new generations of what some call ‘terrorists’ and others ‘freedom fighters’.
- Israel is a pariah and those people who are peaceful within have the blood of children on their hands
- There is no creator who would condone killing innocents over a chunk of dirt
- Israel is a very wealthy nation, Palestine is poor.
- The extremists on both sides gain power by frightening the good people within nations.
- The surest way to get a good man to do bad things is to threaten those he loves.
- Both nations lose a tremendous amount of wealth and have a massive amount of resources destroyed in this conflict, and it is used to incite violence all over the world.
- Until this conflict ends the angry, broken people on each side gains influence while the good people are at a disadvantage come election time.
So, putting all the pieces on the table what are our options?
How about this. It doesn’t please everyone, but it should please the people who want peace on both sides.
Israel returns to their 1947 borders.
Why? Because that way they’re both giving the innocent people of Palestine what they truly deserve. They didn’t start any of these wars and have been the ones who suffered the most.
Meanwhile, it takes away the source of recruitment for the extremists on both sides. With a firm stance on being noble and generous Israel gives power back to the better leaders in both nations and completely defuses any vaguely reasonable arguments for radicals on both sides. Sure, there will still be crazies on both sides, but by and large people just want to live dignified lives and feel like they and their families can live safely.
Meanwhile, The Israeli people can live life free of fear and without having to apologize for what most reasonable people see as horrifying atrocities …and sanctioning activities that results in the deaths of children will always be seen as horrible. Palestine meanwhile is a powerful firebrand and the plight of their people is used to incite good people to become ‘terrorists’/‘freedom fighters’ when they would have otherwise been doctors or craftsmen. This creates more deaths of children on the Isreali side and world wide, perpetuating a cycle of violence.
Israel benefits tremendously if they just do this in exchange for the ability to use all those great young minds to do useful things and if those nations that contribute military resources to Israel instead contribute economic ones.
However, the rest of us, seeing that great act of generosity, should be making Israel aware of our intent to.
Provide Israel with as much land as was lost in excellent locations in other nations. Preferably several.
Israel is really, really tiny. We can be generous here. Plus due to Israel’s great standard of living an well educated populace these locations could contribute a lot to the communities that host them.
Israeli citizens meanwhile don’t have to live in a place that will still for a time be the focus of much antipathy. The traumas that have been caused don’t fade away instantly, do they? Besides, it’ll be more crowded and there are all kinds of nifty places in the world to explore.
Of course, citizenship would be shared between all the little nations and the citizens of Israel can move freely between them.
But like I said, Israel’s tiny and the world is huge. Guess who else that applies to?
We also give the citizens of Palestine a similar amount of territory. Some in their own locations and some Adjacent.
Some of the adjacent ones are merged, with votes to merge on both sides of the unmerged ones every few years and no option to unmerge.
Because the good people on both sides have spent long enough being raised to be enemies of each other and with all this new land there’s no harm in having a lot of the good bits being the most peaceful of all.
We in the international community should of course richly reward the merged nations and the merged nations will make an effort to make be just as generous to the local community of the host nation(s)
Yeah, I know, scary, huh? But we do it the same way we did after WWII with Japan. The people in Israel and Palestine have already had too many missiles and deaths going back and forth. The longer both sides are hurting each other the longer the worst of both sides can keep making bids for power and slowing down the peace that should be there.
For as long as nations exist, meanwhile, an international body composed of all host nations and any other major nations contributing offer up joint military protection from external threats and are made available for experiments in cooperative law enforcement (under the purview of local law enforcement but composed of some of the best detectives and beat cops and all the rest the world has to offer.
This sounds like it hits harder at Israel’s defense than Palestine’s and it may look that way, but it’s not Israel vs. Palestine it’s Likud vs. Hamas with the worst resources of most of the world powers feeding mines in and with the Isreali and Palestinian citizens in the middle.
And nobody wants a box of explosions for Christmas, do they?
In the meantime…
The extra resources on both sides are dedicated to fighting terror the way it should be fought, by giving children safe, healthy lives free of fear and turning the hotbed of horror for decades into a beacon for us all.
This is what works. We give the children an the broken families the best of the best. We give them options and hope. We still have places that are there for on people or the other, but most of the best is there for people to share.
Now, these children will grow up brilliant and the adults will all be a whole lot better too. Sure, it might take a while for all the wounds to heal, but that’s why we’re running fast in the other direction, to give everyone hope.
Each nation has a co-operative corporation. This is a mechanism to allow the new nation to expand by buying land and creating corporate campuses and obtain citizens by offering employment
This corporation functions much like a cross between Mondragon and Valve. They can expand as long as they’re profitable and will draw peaceful productive people while being unattractive to people who want to be unusually important or powerful or who want to earn a lot more than anybody else. It’s also powerful enough to protect the people within and can potentially be a gateway to dual citizenship in one of the other nations or one of the hosting ones.
It’s pretty much what we were talking about earlier, but it’s just a subset of the whole solution rather than the entire solution.
Regardless of the method of creation, these expansion nations can be within host nations, adjacent to the expanding nation, or anywhere that is within the borders of a nation wanting to make the commitment. This nation is not for any one religion but respects all of them (and Agnosticism and Athiesm).
If the offer is just to grow, then the new nation is functionally the same as the old one, however new nations also have the option to be freed by the originating nation (they will of course be raised to be just as generous, so the expanding nation will of course be richly rewarded.
What sort of governmental, economic, and voting system the new nation uses will be determined by the new membership on creation. The only requirement is that they be peaceful.
Depending on the offer accepted, the new nation may be open to as much as 90% members of the hosting and contributing nations, but there will always be one tiebreaker member from the expanding nation on whatever sort of council they choose.
Since these nations are filled with people who want peace and who are helping the world around them, they’re very attractive to people who want a similar life. Since that’s most of us (and almost all of the children) they can open themselves up to accepting people from anywhere and offering up asylum for people all over the world.
Of course, there would be a few bumps along the way, but it’s worth a shot, right?
And besides, this way the meek really do inherit the Earth.
Whatcha think? Not ‘nobody would do this’, just 'if the offer was on the table, would it possibly work and at least be better than they have now? Can you find your own solutions to whatever problems you see within? (it’s just a quick framework after all!)
How about you @Kimmo @shaddack, @GilbertWham Can this get us the same place? How about @anon68287401 and @SteampunkBanana, @peregrinus_bis, @chenille, and the rest of you guys?
If it’s not quite good enough can you guys tweak it so it is?
[Edit: Added the co-pernation as an option to speed peaceful expansion]