Parler is gone

Republicans are, of course, acting like they are the victims here.

Don’t let them play that game. They are not victims. They enabled this president. They have been inciting hatred and division for years, decades. They are always making excuses for their own misbehavior and lack of morals. They are always blaming the other side for their own problems.

Don’t let them get away with it. Don’t play into their game.

Parler was taken away the same way parents take away a pellet gun from a child who is caught shooting the neighbor’s cat. No, you are not the victims, you are the culprits. PERIOD.


Okta says they revoked Parler’s free trial.


Really interesting, thanks. Maybe no one expected things to get this far, but it seems like knowing what we know now, they’d want to make a platform independent of US based business and servers.


It disturbs me how easily a set of political voices I don’t agree with were silenced by a small cabal of techno-capitalist actors. This might help prevent organizing a similar mob event on Jan 20, but longer-term, Parler is the symptom not the cause. Shutting these channels and accounts down (even though it is not the government doing so) is playing exactly into the alt-right narrative, and giving them the high ground on free speech arguments, which is bizarre and will probably backfire.


The 1st amendment doesn’t say squat about private corporations limiting speech. If you sign the EULA, you agree to the contents therein.

They’ve got nothing.


It disturbs me that they used these platforms to try and overthrow our government. But hey, YMMV.



Could you suggest any other examples of unfettered free speech, political or otherwise, that reach a mass audience and aren’t censored for content? If there aren’t any, is it really logical to expect it as if it were a natural thing?


Holy shit that’s bad. I guess the incompetence runs deep.


Not exactly seeing how they were silenced-they are still quite free to meet and exchange their views, publish and disseminate them. They are nearly being told by private companies that they can’t do so in certain venues.
All that first amendment stuff ignores the fact that it only applies to the government.


Fuck that high ground.

Raise your god-damned hands if you didn’t commit sedition in the past 7 days.


Nobody saw that coming! /Xs


I’d love to see how they argue their standings.


The one I see coming is Trump sueing Twitter for damaging his net-worth because his Twitter persona was part of his “brand”.


It’ll be interesting to watch. Alledgedly amazon did not allow them to cure the issues over the length of time allowed in the contract, and amazon treated twitter in a different manner with regards to violations of the terms of service.

If that’s true, that they didn’t follow their contracts , that’s going to be a problem for amazon.


This is a strawman argument.

There are very many conservative voices still on Facebook and Twitter. However, far less of them are engaging in Illegal speech (speech that is not protected and you can go to jail for) because the Twitters and Facebooks of the world have a moderation system to take this stuff down.

Parler could have implemented this, but instead they chose to allow Illegal speech to remain on their platform along with all these conservative voices. They were deplatformed because of this illegal speech, not because of the conservative voices on the platform.

This was not “political voices” that were “disagreed with” - this was calls for the execution of the Vice President of the United States by verified influencers on the platform that no action was taken against. This was the hashtag #6mwe (6 million wasn’t enough) trending on the platform with no actions taken to restrict it.

Parler failed it’s conservative members by failing to take action against hate speech and illegal speech on its’ network. That is a failure entirely of its’ own making, and entirely within their power to have corrected before things went this far. Full Stop.


Look, I think I get where you’re coming from. It’s uncomfortable to watch people cheer for a set of tools and actions that have in the past primarily been used to stifle, hinder, and harass progressive voices.

This isn’t the time to be worrying about that because the world is on fucking fire and any tool that can help quell the flames is a welcome one. It’s like complaining that the fire blanket someone used to put out the grease fire in the restaurant kitchen is made of asbestos - yes, it can cause problems later, but the immediate problem still needs to be dealt with immediately.


These are same people worried the COVID vaccine will chip them so the government can track them. Look what a good job they’ve done tracking themselves, and documenting their every halfwitted decision.

Also, pulling these apps from the app stores is likely to seriously hinder their ability to use social media to connect with other losers. Many of these people were late adopters of the internet, only getting on board when mobile devices made it accessible to them. They don’t have internet-connected computers at home to use as their backup when the phone apps no longer work.


[EDIT: my mistake, I thought you were asking if the app would work with non-Parler servers, like if Gab tried to glom on a Parler API and steal their customers. I see now that you were asking if it would still work if Parler themselves migrated their services to hosts in someone else’s cloud, and that answer is “yes, probably.” That’s likely dependent on if they can hold onto their domain names and issue compatible certificates for the new hosts. ]

No, the app won’t work. The Parler app doesn’t let users pick a different backend service to connect to.

Most social media apps won’t offer this level of configuration, as a competitor could say, hey instead point at my new naziserver[.]com , and then collect the ad revenue.

If in doubt, follow the money. With these kinds of people, it’s important that the grift goes in before the stupids climb on.