Pauly Shore is Richard Simmons

Richard Simmons was on my flight from [New Orleans] to LA around 99 or 2000. He walked right by me and we made eye contact. He looked nervous but gave me a kind look that acknowledged that I was indeed looking at Richard Simmons. Of course he was instantly spotted by everybody as he was wearing the doubled bedazzled tank tops and stripped short shorts. People started approaching him and talking about weight loss and he looked anxious as you can be but he was very gracious and caring and gave people hugs. Within 2-3 minutes of him arriving at the gate he was mobbed. He flipped a switch and he went from anxious to performing mode. He had the crowd of [60+] people in stitches making jokes and talking to them. It was one of the most surreal things I’ve ever scene. I’ve had a lot of respect for him ever since.


Doing a biopic on MLK is also challenging when they couldn’t use the text of his most iconic speeches out of fear of being sued by the King estate for copyright violations.


Wait…is this all it was about? I actually enjoyed this and found it sweet.

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