Penn and Teller's classic takedown of anti-vax bullshittery

I certainly can’t imagine one! But there is a decidedly non-crappy movie of The Fountainhead that’s a nice example of 40s architectural style as well as decent performances by Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal, although the Rand-penned screenplay is talk talk talk talk talk.


That’s not precisely true…variations on this theme happen in churches all over the world every single day.


The formula these guys use is to reduce grays to black and whites. Doesn’t work very well for sensitive edge cases like climate change, second smoke, or vaccines.

Not since Battlefield Earth has an act of cinematic devotion made a worse case for the ideology that inspired it.

The problem here is that someone will have to watch it in order to figure out the rules of the drinking game :frowning:

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I agree with P and T on this and a lot of other things, including this and the organic debate.
But they are at heart magicians and their ‘tests’ are basically forcing a hand.

This is classic case of forcing a subject to tilt the odds in the favor to the desired outcome.
They plate the ‘non organic’ plates on blue plates and ‘organic’ on red plates.

There’s a reason why there isn’t a red plate special. We taste with our eyes. Red tomatoes on red plates don’t play well with the senses. Blue makes all food more attractive…“Blue Plate Special”

They do this every time except for a return visitor where they switch it up. Again a classic color bias of choosing one color and then another on the second chance.


Opening credits: down a bottle of Wild Turkey. That’s the only rule.


Copper wire” and “Minnesota wheat” are uttered about a dozen times apiece in the film, as though they were trigger words meant to activate some libertarian cell.)


As I’ve said before- Let’s pretend for a moment that every horrible thing the anti-vaxxers say is true.

It’s still better than polio.


Ironic considering the movement gained traction because of some asshole that wanted to sow doubt in current vaccinations to have a market for his own, along with ‘home autism test kits.’


This was before it was considered trendy to self diagnose yourself as autistic then?


right at the trend getting traction I believe. Could be wrong.

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Well it makes sense. Autism is caused by Toxins.
Test for the Toxins, test for the Autism


Love that film, although I must admit there are quite a few who will also feel that The Fountainhead is crap due to its combination of ridiculous script and over-the-top direction.

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Meanwhile, here’s some GOOD news on the vaccination front.


Can there be valium as well?

Neo-nazi anti-vax loons are not currently in high regard in New Zealand. It doesn’t help that he’s Australian.

It’s astonishing how much meaning and nuance can be crammed into just those three words.

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Yes! This is why you should invest in these. They also cure autism (only the shitty autism, though - not the cool autism).


I could make so much money if I didn’t have morals.