Pennsylvania to Ohio: we see your terrible life-threatening anti-abortion bill and raise you with funerals for unimplanted, fertilized eggs

Compared to the dystopian awfulness* of “we put you in jail for not doing an imaginary medical procedure,” forcing funerals for fertilized eggs is just more of a dick move, not an escalation.

*Pure Terry Gilliam’s Brazil flavor of dystopia.

I was thinking that what we need is non-stop, open casket used-tampon protest funerals outside Pennsylvania’s legislature until they get a fucking clue.

I always figured it would be off-limits because of the obvious absurdity. But they’ve basically written things to ignore that, by pretending it’s about something else.


I, for one, welcome this new era of passing laws that demand impossible feats of medical science! With your help and a donation of $3, you can help fund critical, groundbreaking research in proctology to safely dissect toxic megacolon and finally find out where these politicians’ heads went.


Is Pennsylvania also requiring male legislators to acquire death certificates and hold funerals every time they jerk off?

Also, we really need to remove VIagra and other ED meds from healthplans.


It’s amazing how much money the “small government less taxes” party is willing to throw down the drain when they pass laws that will result in unwinnable lawsuits. That’s a good stewardship of the taxpayer dollar there it is!

I haven’t told my OB/GYN wife (who trained in Cleveland) about this yet. I guess it’ll make her glad she left Ohio for a better state.


Seems to me that when woman have a heavy period, just to be sure, they should put that pad or tampon in an envelope and mail it to one of these legislatures. They need to make sure they don’t miss a fertilized egg.


I told her. The result was as expected. Total inability to even comprehend what I was saying. She asked me multiple times if I was telling a joke (not that I’ve ever joked about something like this). After about five minutes when her brain started to recover from the shock of exposure to such concentrated idiocy she put it on the same level as colored water treatment for cancer. I’m not even sure what that is but I can hazard a guess at the quackery involved.


I know this strikes everyone as incredibly stupid, but it’s only stupid if they didn’t mean to criminalize women having sex.

I propose Humbabella’s Razor: When dealing with fascists, never attribute to stupidity that which can be adequately explained by malice.


Dear accelerationists:
Just how long is this shortcut through brutal theocracy, into xtian sectarian violence, through violent (superficially) godless authoritarianism and then…something, something, peace and proseprity?


I grew up in Ohio in the 80s, and went to college in PA in the 90s…I don’t know these places anymore…

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`my ex had an ectopic pregnancy…

the first question we both asked was if it could be reimplanted in the
uterus… the doctor said no… there was no option but an abortion.
regardless of the circumstances abortion is never an easy decision. i
believe Colorado has the most progressive laws regarding women’s rights
in the country. not only do they give away free birth control… but
access to Planned Parenthood and other support is stronger there than in
other states. i live in Oregon… another progressive state. Colorado
(again as i understand it) has the lowest unwanted pregnancies as well
as lower STDs than other
is sad that some states would prefer an atavistic revision to 19th
Century (im)morality and approaches to women’s rights… let alone any
concern for their safety. let’s hope this legislation is quickly shot
down… but i fear that a number of states’ ludicrous approaches to
abortion will make this soon appear once again in SCOTUS… and given
the reactionary nature of recent appointments i really fear our country
is making huge leaps backwards.`wirehangers


Probably more fundamental than that. They want to control whether or not you get to have sex. If you are going to have sex without their permission, they want to make sure it goes badly for you. So no birth control, and no abortions, if you are poor and didn’t want a child then fuck you - don’t have sex.


On the plus side, this should provide a major economic boost to the tampon-sized coffin industry.


It’s also a profit move. The buyouts of small family-owned funeral homes by large corporations has been going on for the past decade or so. As a result, funerals are more expensive. I wonder how many legislators supporting these bills are financially connected to those companies. :thinking:


Considering the bad laws already enacted it would not be surprising if that could be twisted in a murder investigation.

I wonder if this continuous increase on the liability for having sex or getting pregnant for women won’t reach the point that make the decision to get sterilized the “best” choice to avoid those draconian laws.

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Ah, 1890. A fine year. It’s going to be great fun regressing back to that time. At least we will have the roaring ’20s ahead of us again.

While it helps with that, I think the point may be right here:

Once that foot is in the door, shit will get even more horrible for anyone with a functioning uterus.

I visualize having tampon funerals every month, just in case… requirements that before a person on their period can flush the toilet they have to bring in a couple witnesses and say the Lords Prayer, and film it just in case…

Of course not. That’s only half a baby. That’s practically no baby at all. Even though it’s potentially thousands of half babies each time. Also, that would inconvenience them, and it forgets the entire point of all of this which is that they demand that men be allowed to maintain dominion over women’s bodies as their God has intended.


We really shouldn’t leave them out. That’s just not fair.

Therefore, since we’re inventing previously unknown medical procedures in the state legislature, the fertilized eggs need to be transplanted into the spleens of Pennsylvania GOP legislators. What, it didn’t take? Well, that’s just part of the R&D process. Keep trying!


Horrible social issues from that era aside, let’s not bring on Prohibition again! I’m still pissed about Reagan screwing up the legal drinking age just before I reached it. Sometimes, wine and whine is all we’ve got left! :wine_glass::cry:


Good luck getting your tubes tied if you’re not married and/or haven’t had a pregnancy end in live birth.

Misogyny and patriarchy dominate every bit of a woman’s reproductive health in the US. @Pensketch, you’re right, it’s a trifecta of BS women face - religiosity is third branch.


Yeah, people grossly underestimate how bad things can get with “fetal personhood” laws, much less shit like this. It’s because they’re just looking at how things were before abortion was legal, but bad as that was, nothing like these new laws existed then. This is a whole new level of fucked-up beyond what anyone’s ever experienced in the US.


This is probably a good time to remember that men are the cause of 100% of unwanted pregnancies.

The first time I read that I (a man) bristled at it because I tend to reject blanket statements like that. However, the more I thought about it and considered the arguments the more I agreed.