Originally published at: Pentagon employees ignore security protocols to download all kinds of dodgy apps on their government-issued phones | Boing Boing
Insert shocked/notshocked gif here…
Hopefully some users will get remedial AUP lessons from their friendly local humorless feds.
Hopefully some insufficiently humorless administrators will get some pointed questions on why, exactly, high sensitivity devices were being used along with accounts that had unrestricted access to the default platform app store. For the honor of said administrators, hopefully they can point to a paper trail involving pointy-haired bosses who think that they are too cool for rules and interfered with appropriate security measures because people who could afford to change their phones weekly have this weird fixation on doing personal stuff on company hardware.
At least on the iOS side, which is were I’ve done the most MDM, restricting users to either only what the administrator pushes to them, or to a specific set of options, or a combination of mandatory pushes and a set of options, is pretty trivial; and setting conditional access policies to deny devices not in compliance with MDM policy only incrementally harder.
And that’s speaking as someone who has only done it for K-12 and not-terribly-large business; no “gosh, sure would be a shame if your platform were unable to meet the security requirements of the DoD’s eleventy-zillion dollars in annual procurement…” feature ‘requests’ required.
That seems problematic,
Looks like those balloons are a distraction by the Chinese government to disguise the real source of their intelligence.
Are you insinuating that my “SCIFs of Tiktok” influencer persona might be a bad idea?
Well yes, I suppose I am.
If they’re government issued why doesn’t the government lock them down?
If you’re caught bypassing or attempting to bypass said lock downs your fired.
Use your own phone for all those fun apps.
At work IT assigned us IPhones with the proviso that they only be used for tasks related to work with Air Force, DoD, and approved partners and vendors. Didn’t last long; quite soon pornographic images and sex-related offers popped up on mine. I returned mine to IT who reported that I wasn’t the only one. We learned that IT had pre-checked the phones before handing them out. Why… if the units were brand new when IT took charge of them?
Yeah this news is coming out now since Bungie mentioned in court that they found out that a cheat maker has been logging info of DoD staffers
I’m honestly surprised they could install this stuff. Our corp iPhones are locked down tight. You’re not installing anything not company blessed.
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