People are watching TV at 160% speed to fit in all their shows

It reminds me of my friend who decided, after it worked so well with text books, to speed-read his fiction. Shortly thereafter, he gave up reading fiction, as he wasn’t getting anything out of it.


I think it is a faster and a more interesting discipline to watch one distinct show with each eye, then you are watching your shows in aggregate at 200% speed, while giving your brain a better workout.


seems like a real time saver for watching porn! especially when combined with the benny hillifier!


I tend to watch speech heavy videos in YouTube at 1.5x (rarely 2x). Slow talking gets on my nerves very quickly. I like that TiVo now has the ability to play shows at high speed (with pitch correction and everything) but I almost never use it.

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I’ll say here what I tell my kids daily: Turn off the fucking television.


I listen to all my podcasts this way. It got a bit weird when I met some of the podcasters, because it seemed like they were speaking rrrrreeeeaaallllyyyy sssslllllowwwwwllllyyyyy…

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this is key when listening at higher speeds.

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Who watches television anymore? Now computer and internet access…there’s something else.


Just so long as it doesn’t lead to speed sex…

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So it turns out this guy was a man ahead of his time:

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I used to have a DVR that had three different FF speeds, and the first one, the “slowest”, still played the closed captioning. That was perfect for me for about half of my viewing. Well-made drama deserves to be watched in real time, but a lot of shows pad their scenes with long shots of scenery, car chases, etc. which really don’t advance the story at all.


That would make the program sound like a commercial, like voidwhereprohibitedbatteriesnotincludednotaflyingtoy.

We’ve taken to seeing what other people think was really good years ago and then watching that. Avoid a lot of garbage that way. Amazon helps – found “Doc Martin” that way, which is simply fabulous.


Ah, the ol’ “Twin Peeks” method I see.

(Yes, that was a Kim Peek reference)

When I listen to audiobooks, especially really long (30+ hrs) ones, I usually listen at x1.25 or x1.5. If it’s too distracting I’ll switch back to normal speed, but it’s usually fine for me.

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What if is a foreign film or TV show with subtitles? that would probably won’t work well unless you can read fast.

It’s funny that Gilmore Girls keeps coming up in this thread, because my first thought was, “This would never work with Gilmore Girls–they already talk super fast!”


I dont know about you but im betting i know why your wife watches SPN. :wink:

Remarkably, SHE was the one to complain first when the finales kept turning out to not be so final. We both felt remarkably relieved after reading the following article:

Truly, it is okay to let go.