People are watching TV at 160% speed to fit in all their shows

Some anime is so slow it’s still tedious to watch at 2x.

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Even that is not as bad as how NPR mics all their presenters. You can hear every tiny bit of salival movement in their mouths, drives me nuts.


I saved so much time by not watching it at all. :slight_smile: But I am going to try speeding up a few videos to see how hard it is to acclimate.

I can actually believe you do this. :yum:


I’m more interested in watching shows at the right speed but in rewind. And upside down, and desaturated. With all sound heavily modulated like a kidnapper on a phone. Just to avoid being subjected to the creators “artistic vision”, god I hate that guy so much.


I am a little amazed it keeps getting renewed too… how many times can they save the world? LOL

But I’m also a Castiel shipper. :wink: And my friend and I are thinking of going to the SPN con in October because that would be hilarious!

Didn’t Douglas Coupland suggest this in Microserfs? They watched films with subtitles on the basis that one could read them and so follow the plot.

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