Originally published at: Peppa Pig roasts Kanye | Boing Boing
In Soviet Russia pig roasts you!
Celebrity Death Match!
I have no doubt Kanye will respond to this in a calm, rational and mature manner, as he always does in these situations.
Ye, thats his new legal name, it’s all Ye from here on out.
… this is the first time he’s had to deal with online pork!
This is the ONLY rational response.
West has not responded to Peppa Pig’s comment.
Well, he did set himself on fire. Let him leave the emergency room first. /s
I thought it was YE.
My money is on Peppa.
“They will go through bone like butter. … They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute.”
There’s some distance between the beef and getting porked.
Is he still waiting for the ivermectin patients to clear the ward?
It’s funny cause people are going to die.
You 'orrible cant.
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