Pepsi plans to use cubesats to display ads in the night sky

Got a feeling Mike from the Suicidal Tendencies is going to relapse hard.

Also, fuck Pepsi.


It’s been a while, but the novel is full of money raising ideas, some “shady”. That was some of the point, the money was as hard as the technical issues.

But, how serious was he? He had some morals, and at least one idea was proposed in a negative way, he sold rights to a company to ensure another didn’t do something. He played both sides, and it may have been this one where the money was too tempting, but he was aware of the potential bad PR that he tried to selll “veto” before the idea".

All the schemes really are quite intereseting. I can’t remember if salting with diamonds were one, or just finding some was something he hadn’t counted on.

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I know there is talk or even plans to destroy spacejunk. I suggest that we start with these cubesats.


It’s amazing how much I simultaneously love and hate this fact

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Heinlein’s Harriman [1] was certainly no saint – he used everyone, himself included, to accomplish his objective: putting himself on the Moon. He had scruples, but they weren’t absolute. All in all one of the more realistic protagonists from that era.

[1] Yes, I remember his name – and it’s been something like 50 years since I read the book. One of the best of Heinlein’s, actually, and certainly one of the best if you exclude the juveniles. (IMHO Double Star was in many ways comparable from a character development standpoint and avoiding trivialized moral issues.)


Or when thwarted by the purveyors of JUSTICE!


Can anybody find their contact info? I’ve already tried their full names & first names

This is probably something I’d be willing to do some time to prevent.


PepsiCo products I’ve found to boycott so far:
Anything by Frito-Lay, Quakers Oats, Tropicana, Gatorade, Soda Stream. I have to read the fine print on the package to be sure.
I’m already doing my best to boycott Amazon.


If you’re going to boycott them (which is to say, actually write and tell them that you are boycotting them), then make sure you are boycotting them for the right reason, namely that they need to fire their marketing director for a odious and offensive viral marketing garbage.

Don’t bother boycotting them to demand they not do something they never had any intention of doing. That’s what they want to hear. Then they’ll know that they own you.


someone sure, everyone no. because that is what happens when the default meaning of anything thrusting up is a penis and the default meaning of anything that looks like a vagina is a pretty flower.

actually after saying that I looked around and found this, and I think it actually does the job by implying the body


If it makes you feel better, there are distant galaxies that we can see but we can never reach, even at lightspeed, because of the expanding universe.


Larger attack surface.

Great, all we need is a full scale Kessler Syndrome event triggering a global GPS catasrophe by a sugar water company


Point taken… and yet, even those distant universes kinda would be ruined for anyone who might want to look at them and finds a great stonking Pepsi logo in their way.

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Goes along with the idea to hack the deployment so it looks like a giant dong.


perhaps a large number of people ordering pepsi on amazon then cancelling or returning their order and citing their disdain for pepsi new plan to turn the sky into a cheap billbord could get some attention. I mean id be ok if the holograms/projections were only visable arriving at and departing earth the way bill boards work on the highway outside the city but I don’t want to see this trash from my mobile homes’ porch while I’m trying to drink coors.

William Gibson, Phillip K. Dick, I’d like to have a word with you both, please.


What? How does that work?