Performer plays flute from wrong end

There are a lot of things that COULD be going on but one that hasn’t been addressed yet:

If you are in a performance with a lot of other people and you have done something wrong, do NOT correct it until the next chance to do so without being noticed. It only draws attention to yourself and the fact you did something wrong. When you’re one of many, it’s better to not do anything and then fix things at the next opportunity where you won’t stand out. When the guy next to her tries to correct her it only brings attention to the problem that (maybe) the audience hadn’t even noticed. And yeah, it looks like the tv people knew and were concentrating on it, maybe, but there’s a large chance if there was an audience present they never even noticed until the guy next to her started fumbling about. (I learned this in regards to marching and parade maneuvers but it applies to a lot of other performances, too.)

Now if she were the ONLY one performing, yeah, fix yourself, otherwise, you look like a fool and just revealed to the audience you’re not even playing.

Also, yeah, there’s the possibility she just had no clue what was going on, but personally I’m leaning towards she was just trying to get to the end of the performance without bringing attention to it. It’s not like she was soloing or anything.

…I spent way too much time on embouchure.


I don’t understand the temporary ban from future performances. Who banned her? And, the ban - that is punishment for the mistake of blowing the thing upside down? (It looks like the flute would be more playable to blow from the skinny end, but I know nothing about flutes. I was in choir. and they didn’t teach us altos any of these things.)

She was flouting flauting flaunting her lack of flautsmanship.

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I find that Bostons are equally cuddly from either end. Mine doesn’t seem to have a preference. He does seem to oriented himself on the end that eats.

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