Originally published at: Philip K. Dick's dystopian AI novel "Vulcan's Hammer" headed to the big screen | Boing Boing
I’m pretty impressed that the cover artist was able to anticipate Jude Law being cast.
The two most relevant authors for today’s world is probably PKD, Octavia Butler, and JG ballard…
Does the story really involve flying hammers, or did the cover artist just make that up from the title?
THREE, the three most relevant authors for today’s world are probably PKD, Octavia Butler, JG Ballard, and Margaret Attwood…
FOUR, the FOUR most relevant authors…
Please, I beg you not to use Tom Cruise as the leading man, PLEASE!
I immediately thought it was a pseudo-cover drawn to look like Patrick Wilson!
I loved Ace Doubles. It was a perfect way to broaden the range of books and authors I was exposed to as a kid.
Many years ago when I was doing some small-press publishing, I contacted Russ Galen about reprinting PKD’s Galactic Pot-Healer. He told me he was reserving it for the ongoing Vintage reprint series. He said, my dream is to have all of the novels in uniform editions. I said, even Vulcan’s Hammer? He said, I may not get my wish.
Replace flying hammers with ICBMs add a decade and one has Colossus The Forbin Project (complete with hardware with discrete transistors)
But still no adaptation of Ubik? WFT, Hollywood and other streaming rabble?
Studios are afraid millions of $ of studio equipment will devolve into stacks of box cameras.
Lots of drone surveillance IIRC.
I would watch a UBIK movie adaptation, but hard to do.
They would do it the way they’ve done PKD novels before–throw away 95% of it, do something completely different with the remainder.
Was going to do this but couldn’t think of another relevant author quickly enough! Well done.
For my money, I Am Legend forever wins the award for great first half of a film utterly destroyed by the second half. Let’s hope that format isn’t repeated here.
Speaking of surveillance drones…
I’m still angry about “I Robot”.
In fact the AI I am currently writing will be set up specifically to track down everyone who was involved with that and scratch their car in the supermarket carpark. All of them.