Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/01/14/photo-of-egg-becomes-instagram.html
Never cracked a smile though.
So Instagram is egg-centric? Or is this so egg-ceptional that we should be egg-citied?
I think it’s important as a social statement - that Instagram fame (and social media fame, and really, any sort of fame) is ultimately fleeting and meaningless. That anything truly important won’t garner as much attention as jumping on the bandwagon with everyone else.
Omelette that slide.
It’s a shell game.
Their likes were poached.
But where is Dunk?
How long will it take to scroll through their whole albumen?
I’m sure that Egg is a very nice person. I just don’t want you spending all your money getting her all glittered up for Easter, you know?
There was no competing campaign for a chicken? Disappointing.
I mean, unless the chicken that laid the egg is an aggressive and effective spinner of straw-into-gold and can manage to leverage the minute of fame into celebrity and clothing lines for the newborn chick. I mean, the chick might have to produce and “leak” a sex tape, but c’mon, to make an omelette…
Sure, first it’s just simple egg boxes…then it’s egg neighborhoods…then before you know it—it’s entire egg cities!!!
Well egg-scuse me.
White eggs are the real victims here.
I think we’ve had un oeuf of those.