Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/09/17/themeparks-in-bad-times.html
That will just buff out.
It looks much like Wichita, Kansas after the Hesston tornado. We were cleaning up trees for weeks.
Well, not so much “devastated” as “lots of trees down”. The buildings themselves weren’t damaged much at all.
Any Hong Kongers know the state of the Zoo? There were some orangoutangs up there once.
Obviously the center of the tragedy in the region…
What an unusual use of the word “tragedy.”
Well, it is a tragedy in the Philippines, where it affected half a million people. In Hong Kong, it is a costly inconvenience for sure, and hundreds were injured, but no fatalities. Modern infrastructure is a wonderful thing.
Not even devastation of trees. Those are all just big planters. You can tell by the root balls. They’ll just tip them back up and sweep.
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