Pilot recorded delivering a crazy, curse-filled rant against the Bay Area

Well, having lived near the Bay Area (and regularly ventured there), these are not the complaints I’d have.

I’d buy “Oh God… that’s not dog poop I just stepped in is it?” (for SF)
also “Berkeley/Oakland/Alameda rush hour traffic sucks just about as much as LA traffic!”

but this guy’s complaints seem like he’s getting his outrage from Faux News…

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If they don’t, the FCC might; saying “fuck” on the radio is illegal. (I think this applies to aviation radio and not only broadcast - I was certainly taught that it applies to HAM radio when studying for the license test - but I’m not sure if such language restrictions on radio transmissions that aren’t broadcasts intended for the public have been tested in court.)

I’ve been coal-rolled while riding my bike in the bay area (in Woodside, home of venture capitalists, tech CEOs, and equestrians, one of the wealthiest towns in the country).


I detect a particular regional accent, which reaffirms my choice to live in the Bay Area. Nobody mentioned his rant against “lowered” cars, the opposite course of “real men” who lift/raise their trucks before rigging them to spew clouds of soot and own the libs.


All I can think of is, as others mentioned, it’s a matter of where they come from :woman_shrugging:t2:

That sucks! I’ve seen another car get coal rolled while I was out on errands, and that looked pretty bad. I can’t imagine it happening while you’re in the open and exercising. Ugh.

I heard that, too. The transcription is wrong, it reads “roads…and shit” but I think that’s when he says “low as shit.” Even driving around here seeing how big everything’s gotten, it’s like people are driving around in mini tanks.


I’ve only had that happen once, which I find genuinely surprising. It was in Wilmington, NC and I was the at the front of a group of non-traditional cyclists on the River To Sea ride. Very little spandex, lots of parents pulling kids in bike trailers, etc.


That’s what I was thinking, the delivery sounds like it too to my ears. It sounds like something I would conceivably say in an ironic way. But not very smart to do it on the radio like that.

But even when you fuck goats ironically…


How do you ironically fuck a goat? Serious question.

It’s a reference to a popular tweet.


I guess if it’s a meme who cares if it makes any sense as an analogy.



That is a nice quote, but if it was true, we couldn’t have any performative arts.

Vonnegut was right. Sorry.

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Not to mention catfishing.

The POINT is if someone is doing something “ironically” online, and people take it seriously, it hardly matters the intent, if the result is the same. It’s the whole “i’M dOinG it tO tRigGr the LiBz” nonsense.

This isn’t rocket surgery. Nor is it the same thing as acting. FFS.


It makes sense as an analogy here if you are able to consider what other people experience based on your actions/words.
If you go on a rant like this pilot did, ironically, and someone gets offended, and you say, “I was just kidding,” from the listener’s experience how is that any different than someone saying it and meaning it, and then when someone gets offended, they say, “I was just kidding,” because that’s what they do?

Mockery as humor is a form of aggression, so even if you’re doing it ironically, you’re still doing it.


Fiat Panda Mk I had an interesting feature, the door hinges could be unbolted from the oustide using only a flat screwdriver and a 17 mm wrench.


That looks sooo much like a yugo…