Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/19/play-dungeons-and-dragons-for-better-mental-health.html
I remember D&D being really good for my mental well-being as an adolescent too. I was definitely an introvert but the game (and later other RPGs) brought me out of my shell like nothing else.
Of course, at the time the usual conservative killjoys – including some therapists – were wringing their hands as they created a lucrative moral panic for themselves in n collusion with the corporate media.
Contributed by Gail Sherman
What about Call of Cthulhu and Paranoia?
Noooooo thank you! We all know how that turned out for Tom Hanks.
Citizen can you expound upon this concern about the game you call Paranoia? Why does the perfect society presented there concern you so much? Please face towards your screen and speak clearly while you reply. Do not be concern about the sounds you hear as no one is screaming.
That movie was one of the things that lured me to D&D in the first place. Yeah, yeah, steam tunnels, some damn fool college kid is possibly dead, whatever … tell me more about that map and the game itself. That looks interesting!
Lining up schedules to play is stressful, after that, sure.
I remember a great Reddit post about DMing in a nursing home.
Good to see some professional confirmation. When I was a young teen in the late 80s a troubled friend of mine was admitted to a youth mental health facility after attempting to end his life and at his request I smuggled him in a basic D&D box set to help him pass the time. He later told me it was a huge help to him and some of the other kids in there and apologized for not returning it as he left it behind with some of the others. I like to imagine it got passed around for years in there as different kids cycled in and out of the place and kept helping them deal with whatever issues they were facing.
Good moment to post this wonderful news:
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