And daughter, Christie, who has been running the business for decades.
Given the fact I read an article at noon on BB, and then seen it on the 6pm local news channel, kind of proves it is a news source.
Is there a link to Playboy’s motion?
Did Playboy say if they were disappointed with Boing Boing?
And to the general topic: it’s a shame defending fair use is so expensive. Thanks go to the defenders.
This. I love BoingBoing but let’s not pretend that these posts come anywhere close to meeting journalistic standards. And that’s fine. It just isn’t news-like reporting.
first of all, how dare you
Yes! It goes:
Shift to the left!
Shift to the left!
Shift to the left!
Shift to the left! (you see the pattern, I am sure)
You’re welcome!
News to me. I see everything here, first. Also a blog, web blog, weblog, log vlog slog glogg cloggy clogger clog dog bog frog eggnogg agog newsflog webnewsfloggygloggybogdogsoggyboggynoggnogg.
Yeah, but if we link to it we’ll get sued…
I’ve always insisted that JUGGS®️ was the more respectable publication.
When you win, will they have to pay your legal fees? I certainly hope so.
I’m sure the happy mutants would cancel their subscriptions, but despite Cory’s writings, it isn’t literally 1984 so none of us have one
I just hope Playboy aren’t being used as a cat’s paw, like Hulk Hogan, on behalf of some grudge-bearing right-wing asshole with unlimited time and money for spite, like Peter Thiel, or the nominal President of the United States.
Well it was inevitable that this attack would be used on places other than ‘pirate bay’ and such. The mere act of linking (the only thing the pirate bay ever did) has been criminalized using the most easy ways to do so - and now that there is precedent…
What a bunch of jerk-offs. (heh)
Do you happen to be a psychiatrist with a single young boy for a patient?
I may have news for you…