Police pepper sprayed protestors who formed a circle around a US Border Patrol vehicle in Arizona

White people get stopped for burned out light bulbs, also. It’s happened to me. Once she figured out I was a law-abiding citizen who didn’t know a bulb had burned out she simply told me to get it fixed. End of problem.

I don’t see any problem with the incident, the cops were simply doing their job.

Living in that foreign country would be at least one reason.

Then we’re all mispronouncing it.

No, a license is also a mechanism for preventing people who are likely to be dangerous when driving from driving. Among these people are people who are too young, badly disabled, and people who refuse to obey democratically made laws.

There’s a certain mindset that feels breaking any other laws you please once you’ve sneaked into the country just makes you a brave martyr. Never mind folks like these will make a run for the border if they do cause or get involved in an accident, leaving other people to foot the bills and clean up the mess.

Protesting Immigration law is one thing. Stupidly interfering with police officers making an arrest for good cause is just idiotic and gets you a face full of mace if not arrested yourselves and does nothing to “help” the person being arrested.

I for one prefer people driving around in three thousand pound vehicles holding a hundred pounds or more highly explosive fuel capable of traveling at more than a hundred feet per second (thus generating more kinetic energy than a 75 millimeter artillery shell) be required to demonstrate competence in controlling the vehicle and financial responsibility in the form of insurance before being allowed out on the road whatever their origin or status.

I think the 35,000 people killed every year by automobile and truck might agree with that sentiment.

if they do not like our laws, they are cordially invited to remain in their own country.

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I’ve ridden with people in that condition. You don’t drive nearly as well as you think you do since judgement and perception are some of the first functions to be affected by drugs (including alcohol).

Self-analysis and self-reporting is inherently suspect. I’ve seen people who couldn’t stand up without hanging onto a lamppost or wall claim they were just fine, in top form in fact. My favorite was a stoner who led cops on a five mile an hour chase on the freeway and when it ended, he swore he was doing at least 100 and couldn’t figure out how they kept up with him.

Drunk or stoned, I don’t want someone driving, carrying a firearm, flying a plane or operating on me, thanks.

I’d like a citation on that one. And what the definition of “marijuana intoxication” and “the legal level” are in the study that this raw data comes from.

I think the police call it “Kettling”, and it is viewed by them as a completely valid and appropriate tactic.

Goose, gander?

Goose, gander?

Wrongs, two of them?

  1. The police were wrong to develop and employ the tactic of kettling
  2. The police were wrong to use chemical weapons on people who use the same tactics

Are those the two wrongs you were thinking of?

You can ask Kimmo to make you one over here and use it for your avatar.

I agree. The folks descended from the indigenous brownish people should deport all the gringos. Totally reasonable.

But actually I am posting to test stuff for discourse.org. You should go get a cool space monkey bOINGbOING avatar here.

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Uh, no? I meant I agree with you that kettling is wrong but I disagree that police kettling of civilians justifies civilian “kettling” of police (especially individual police whose views on kettling we don’t know). I’m guessing you know that and are trying to make a point with sarcasm, but I’m afraid you’ve lost me as to what that point is.

Where’s the data to indicate that driving stoned is more dangerous than the legally acceptable driving under the legal limit? I can point you to data (two independent studies of crash data) to prove the opposite.

But that’s cool… clearly you aren’t interested in a facts-based discussion on the matter.

I’ve ridden with people in that condition.

Your friends aren’t me.

judgement and perception are some of the first functions to be affected by drugs
Cause all drugs are the same amirite? Sorry guy… do some reading. Alcohol (and cocaine and meth) make people feel they’re capable of anything and make people unrealistically confident. Weed does not and in fact tends to make people more cautious than they would usually be.

My favorite was a stoner who led cops on a five mile an hour chase on the freeway and when it ended, he swore he was doing at least 100 and couldn’t figure out how they kept up with him.

Can has irrelevant and potentially unture anecdote? Oh… thanks.

Accidents while high: 0
Times i’ve driven high: Including this morning? Maybe… 2000+? Probably more like 3000+.

The firearms comment I entirely agree with: you guys have fucking idiotic gun laws. How do you feel if your surgeon is taking pharmaceutical meds? You understand that drugs are drugs irrespective of the medical legitimacy of their use, right?

I like you… you ask for citations :smile:

OMG YOU EVIL MOTHERFUCKERS LET SLIGHTLY TIPSY PEOPLE DRIVE?!? (which the data show is far more dangerous)



Ask yourself this question: If you were in their shoes would you do the same thing to better the future of your family? If your answer is no, you’re lying.

since there is a process that allows you to do this legally

Man I want to laugh, but cannot bring myself to laugh at something so depressing. You know what the wait is to resettle those on the UNHCR legitimate refugees list? Longer than an average human lifetime. I don’t hold people’s desire for improving their lot to a semblance of an actual life against them.

No one can do that, not even in Mexico. Fuck 'em.

You think the narcos are cruising around with licences? You’re totally adorable.

Fuck me.


Word. Might make them reconsider their choices in future though?

For those saying this is cool: did you forget that arresting people has always been the standard course of action in these cases? No civil disobedience now cause all the pigs have to do is spray people into complicity. Fuck those who think that’s acceptable. Lazy pigs being lazy as usual.

I’ve always liked you, sir.

You get it.

It must be nice living life without worries. I am white too, but at least I can see the double standard. There’s a reason I can drive around stoned as fuck and not get caught.