Police seek drivers of abandoned Amish buggy equipped with loud stereo and Michelob Ultra

Read the headline, instantly knew this happened in Ohio.

I don’t like to generalize but the Amish of Ohio can be quite wild (by their standards AND mine)


I was thinking rumspringa + staycation = Pimp my buggy. :nerd_face:


A bubble window on each side and custom paint job as well…


I’ve heard tales of the pimped out stereos in their buggies. Apparently the prohibitions against brightly colored clothing and such weren’t written at a time when they could foresee high fidelity sound reproduction, so it’s a conspicuous consumption that the Amish can actually take advantage of. The downside is that it’s easy to steal a stereo from a buggy.


Just to remind everybody this is true other than during rumspringa (although, as with everything Amish/Mennonite related, it depends on the specific affiliation of the community in question).


My sister lives in Lancaster county, PA. When she first moved there she noticed a hitching post in front of the Sony factory outlet and assumed it was either mandated by local ordinance or left over from a prior occupant. One day she saw a buggy tied to the post and an Amish man carrying a new camcorder. This was in the early 90s when camcorder were current technology.

Hey, even “plain” gotta tie one on occasionally. Devout is a tough row to hoe.

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Not at all. The Amish view of high technology is a whole lot more subtle and nuanced than that. They’re very skeptical of new tech, and won’t adopt it without long, careful consideration of its potentially disruptive effects, but when they find new tech useful and not disruptive, they adopt it enthusiastically.

What you’ve got there is the cardboard stereotype version of “Amish.” You might want to do some reading.


I went to college near the major Amish part of the country. I ended up having a couple week long…something with an Amish girl out for hers. All I say was she was far more worldly than me.

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Jade Rabbit!

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