Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/03/18/police-stop-tyrannosaurus-rex.html
Do you want mass extinctions? Because this is how you get mass extinctions.
I totally get this. T-Rex? Sure, scare the virus away.
Tyrannosaurus rex has been showing the way to mass extinction for many a millennium.
just needs to hope no one sneezes in to the inflatable suits air intake fan.
The Jurassic Park theme music really makes it…
If it had a P3 or N100 particle filter on the intake it could double as a hazmat suit
My movie trained brain expected T-Rex to chomp the police man’s head.
Thank you!
Murcia, Murcia, Murcia!
Having said that, I think this is an awesome way of telling people from several blocks away that you may be infected. T-Rex for self quarantine should be mandatory.
This is insane. The virus is not transmissible to reptiles. Classic example of overpolicing.
Whoever painted that longneck was definitely just painting a picture of his dick in the mirror when his agent called with a rush job.
Ian Malcolm: “Life uh… finds a way.”
A student of Italian Renaissance – living along the canal – will peek out his window, refer to one of his references…
then go “WTF?”
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