Police union leader invites bad cops to work in Florida

Maybe Disney World is renovating and christening Epcop to cater to the police state.


If its any consolation Science Denying State of Florida is leading the rise in Covid cases.


Sounds like an interesting novel idea =o.


Isn’t defunding police departments a state-level matter, where the President has little or no power?


What could possibly go wrong.


Correct. My point (as someone pointed out in the 2020 election topic) is that the President and those running for the office have a “bully pulpit” through which they can influence local policy. Biden was asked where he stood on the issue and he chose the side of grotesquely over-funded municipal police forces without even bothering to try to weakly deflect with an “it’s not federal jurisdiction”.


It should be required training for prospective officers to live in such a town, and alternate days between being police and being policed.

“Sorry, Ted. Today’s Teargas Tuesday, and you’re part of the public. Pucker up, buttercup!”


Now I anticipate BB headlines featuring Officer Florida, a less-entertaining subset of Florida Man.


It’s disappointing, but thankfully the president has no say if cities and counties (and states) want to “defund” the police, so we can watch as weak-tea Democrats get ignored on these issues. I feel like we’re at the point where shit’s going to happen (or not) regardless of what the president is preaching from his pulpit.

Just this morning I was thinking about how I’ve seen literally hundreds of videos of cops committing illegal acts of violence that can’t possibly be justified even by the usual cop standards (because they’re so unprovoked, entirely punitive, etc.), and how many thousands of police need to be not just fired but prosecuted as a result (because most of the videos showed multiple offenders), and how all the police around them, doing nothing in response need to be fired - at minimum - as well. That’s going to be a lot of police without jobs. Even if Florida just welcomed those, it’d be a sizable bump in the entire state’s police force.

Ghost towns, eh? No budgets, but I guess you could offer to pay the cops in Hell money to bring them in…

Yeah, it really is. What’s ironic is that there already is a list of cops who have proven themselves to be so unreliable (abusive, lying, etc.) that they can’t be allowed to ever take the stand, but only prosecutors have access to the list.


Republicans think Attila the Hun was a liberal; Dems think his policies would be OK with a little tweaking.


I have to reluctantly agree. We’re not going see any leadership on substantive police reform from Status Quo Joe, so he’s going to be ignored to the point were people who are motivated enough to protest in the streets in the midst of a pandemic won’t show up for him at the polls in November.


Vigorous competition for scarce resources is essential for their fulfillment. We wouldn’t want them to get the idea that towns are handed out for nothing, or that there are trophies just for participating. Bootstrap the meritocracy!


Eh, I don’t know. Part of what he’s saying is based on not wanting to fall into Republican traps over misrepresenting what “defunding” the police actually means, knowing that it’s not like he has any say in it anyways. (And not that I expect it, but he theoretically could surprise us by supporting defunding efforts while calling it something else, still. He’s quietly shifted left on a few issues due to pressure.) At the same time, he’s saying the right things regarding a number of other aspects of the current situation - or at the very least, he’s being a fucking human being, unlike Trump, which puts him very much ahead. So I don’t think many people are going to skip voting for him over his attempt to not alienate white “moderates” here.


Let’s see if I grok this. A police union wants known criminal cops to join up and police Florida cities. Isn’t that an invitation for megabuck lawsuits, settled by Florida taxpayers? “Hey, we’re uniformed crooks! Send us your lawyers!” Where does this invite fall on the stupidity scale?

Yet another reason to pick Stacey Abrams as his VP candidate.


Lets not forget Elmore Leonard.

There is a reason Justified starts with Raylan Givens in Florida.


I think any people who skip voting for Biden over this were already not going to do so, and were just looking for an excuse to do so.


Stand on Zanzibar 2: Battle RoyaLE


Also Kristen Arnett and Karen Russel

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