Poll: Book Club Round 2 - The Mutants Decide - VOTE HERE

It was all @zogstrip so thank him for the poll work! :fr:


thanks, @zogstrip. well done!


And thanks for picking up my dropped ball, @daneel! Iā€™m really looking forward to this round, even though Iā€™m such a genre fiction trollop. Many of these titles look quite intriguing.

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Looks like Piketty to me. Shall I close the vote?

Looks to me like weā€™re doing Piketty - it seems to me that the system worked.


Hooray for the system!

When do we start?

Should we give people a week to get the book? I got a copy already, but others might need to order it?

If you guys are reading the Piketty, I might as well join in, because Iā€™ve got a copy sitting on my desk thatā€™s been waiting for me to dive into it for a god long while.


Yay! Please do! The more the merrier!

Oops! Better order my Piketty. Are we reading the same way, a chapter a week? Or will there be a different schedule?

My vote is to keep to that schedule (or maybe read a couple chapters a weekā€¦ whatever equates to a solid couple hoursā€™ reading per week to keep weekly discussion manageable). I really liked last timeā€™s schedule, it was just the book that sucked.


Agreed. Should someone start a new topic to announce the new book club? Should we get @jlw to post it on the front page of BB? Thoughts?

As itā€™s a big, non fiction book, Iā€™d think that chapter by chapter is the way to go.

Iā€™ve got myself stuck into some rather dense China Mieville right now (plus another Banks!) so NF reading will be limited (always is for me anyway).

I guess I should order a copyā€¦

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Sadly, the prevailing ethos of BBS demonstrates that you can not just ā€œgetā€ me to post it, we must set up a series of trials wherein which you may be awarded a post on boing boing, but will probably have the prize yanked at the last minute due to nebulous or unclear rules.

I donā€™t have the energy tho. If you want a post DM me.

I also am likely going to bow out on reading this one, it wonā€™t work with my reading schedule/habits for book club. Iā€™ll try again when we land on something thatā€™ll fit better for me as an episodic read.


Whew! Spendy, too. $22.99 for the Kindle edition. Maybe I should get Amazon Unlimitedā€¦

I like it. Probably get 10-15 indie books and 2-3 Publisher books via KU every month.

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Iā€™m pulling the trigger. Itā€™s ten bucks a month and I donā€™t have as much time to read anymore as Iā€™d like, and I also have this weird fetish where I prefer to keep everything I read, but itā€™s too good a deal to pass up. Piketty alone pays for three monthsā€™ worth (since the first is free). Thanks!

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Kindle will remember what you read and save your place/highlights etc after youā€™ve checked a book back in/returned it. Feels no different than e-book ownership to me.

I consider it a pay-for-service library. I am not a fan of my public libraries e-lending system.


Whaaaattt? Youā€™re not an all-powerful autocrat round these parts?

It should probably be up to the rabble whether we should askā€¦

Iā€™ve seen it for $9.99 through google play. Not having used the service, I couldnā€™t possibly comment. It is, of course, available for $40 through iBooks, should you wish to engage in conspicuous consumption.