Pope: I don't support homophobic civic layabout Kim Davis

The Corn Pope has spoken.

Papal Ambivalence
Scenes from a Multiverse


It all makes sense now.


You know, I played that in one of my classes, and the students all gasped when they saw that.


I was watching at the time, had not grown up Catholic or even around Catholics much, and even I instinctively knew she had stepped off the cliff with that. Not that she was wrong, just that it was not going to end well for her.


Yeah, I totally remember seeing that too, and thought it was pretty bad-ass, although I was too young and uninformed to understand the full implications.


I think in a hundred years the more likely outcome of specifically Catholic doctrine would still be that the devout have no earthly law to answer to, the lesbian priestess would have been brainwashed into thinking being gay is mostly evil, but not “consummating” makes her acceptable, and anything that could possibly hurt the church must be kept under wraps.

The Catholic Church indeed adapts, but it still took them hundreds of years to apologize about the Galileo fuckup.

Why would they change positions regarding national sovereignty much more quickly?

And yet none of that has been verified by the vatican, and seemingly somewhat refuted by their own press release...

Why should we believe anything that’s said by professional liars, child rapists, child rapist champions, extreme (to the point of “the lady doth protest too much”) homophobes, who profit by telling outright lies to the public and even encouraging the spread of AIDS and othe STDs?

I personally would believe a homeless vagrant telling me about the radio receivers in their teeth before I believe what the Vatican or any of its hateful bigoted brainwashed mouthpieces have to say about anything.

They’re professional liars who believe they’re above any nation’s laws. What they have to say is stained by the fact that they’ll deny reason logic and mountains of evidence in order to maintain their totalitarian grasp. The Vatican is shit, they speak shit, they gobble up shit with a smile on their face. What credibility do they have compared to a small time bigot who’s only been around a few years compared with the literal thousands of years that the Vatican has spent telling bald-faced lies?


Which god bless who now?

Whilst I appreciate the sentiment of and at least some of the managerial decisions made by the current pope, I have to echo your sentiment about the organisation itself and the fairly obvious attempt at minimising the extremely negative reaction it has engendered through its continual enabling of torturers and murderers.

I sort of understand why some people continue to identify as Catholic, or at least culturally catholic but by this point, if you seriously identify with the organised religion that is Catholicism, warts and all, you are an enabler of child torture and murder.

Of course, it’s more complicated than that. The religion is so much more than just the institution, and I don’t disagree that the spiritual image system and ceremony which the Catholic Church has mustered over the years is highly effective in accessing spiritual experience in the human mind/brain.

It’s just that, you really don’t need a church for that kind of thing. And you especially do not need a corrupt and criminal organisation of powerful figureheads to manipulate and sequester ‘belief’ from the masses of (mostly) well-meaning adherents. And you really fucking do not fucking need to claim and enact fealty to a bunch of rapists and murderers and their god-forsaken enablers in order to participate.

Fuck the Pope.

Fuck the Catholic Church.


This applies to the current pope exactly as much as it does to the last pope and all his fucking evil predecessors:

The current pope has done exactly nothing to return child rapists to the countries where said child rapists raped fucking children.

He’s no better than the last pope who actively did the shielding. And there’s proof that the last pope at least played a patr in the protection and defense of child rapists that was public news long before francis-von-child-rapist-champion came into office, yet he’s done nothing.

As far as I’m concerned, any tithing Catholic is complicit in the open conspiracy to continue to shield child rapists from civil (much less criminal) justice.

Fuck the motherfucker, he’s as bad as the fucking rapists.

If one is willing to write off such behavior for the sake of being ecumenical, then one is approving of fucking measurable atrocities against humanity.

If they really care about humanity, they wouldn’t tolerate such inhuman and evil deeds.

Fuck the motherfucking pope indeed.




From the same comment of mine you’re quoting.

“both sides can and do spin this to their benefit”

Meaning I don’t understand why do you’d believe one side over the other. Save your vitriol for someone actually defending the church.


It’s a myth that “every word the Pope speaks is infallible.” Statistically, virtually none of the Pope’s words have ever been infallible. None of Francis ever have, iirc.

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Context for your statement would be helpful. Are you saying that he’s never spoken from that official position, or just what most of us here know, that the words come from man and not some all-powerful position?

Why do we never have this sort of pile-on when the Dalai Llama comes up in a thread?


Side note, from my Catholic friends the scuttle butt is that the nuncia responsible for this is being booted out. So.

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Booted out of … what, exactly? You think the pope’s going to excommunicate these people? No, he’s going to remain vague and quiet and let this get out of the news cycle.

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Agreed. My dad was raised catholic and he was pretty pissed.


And didn’t the Dalai Lama just say stupid shit about women recently? Yes, yes he did:

Sure, I think the Catholic church as an organization could take some criticism and needs some reform - because the child abuse scandal was ultimately about a failure to protect the faithful. So do any number of large-scale bureaucratic organizations… What about the fact that Penn State covered Sandusky, or that some people at Subway knew about Jared, or any of the other of millions of organizations that get away with covering up all manner of abuses… Isn’t this what large organizations do? They protect their own as much as possible. And sometimes, the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, and I feel that is the actual FUNCTION of bureaucracy in the first place - plausible deniability.

I think far too often, that criticism leveled at the Catholic Church doesn’t come from a place of compassion for those who priests abused, but from just a sort of “I told you so” mindset that just doesn’t like the church in the first place.


I do not know the veracity of this site or its news. All my Catholic friends were sharing this with glee though.



Given the front page of that site and its headlines, and that the story you linked said nothing source related except what its author speculates… we’ll have to wait and see.

That site has no more authority than you or me saying that, it’s not a valid source since it doesn’t actually SAY anything verifiable.


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