Pope met with Kim Davis, urged homophobic Kentucky clerk to “stay strong”

I’ll go on the record with this: I will kiss any baby, provided it’s dressed up like me.


Must have taken lessons from Obama, except for the homophobic part. And maybe the male-centric part. What I mean is – meh, you know what I mean.


Nope. Can’t say as I do. Don’t really want to.


Do you believe that religious liberty allows a Jehovah’s Witness to become a surgeon at a trauma center, and inform patients “nope, sorry, against my beliefs to offer blood transfusions”? Or someone working at the DMV to not allow women to get a driver’s license? Or a public school principal prohibit the teaching of science and history to students?

Religious liberty means you have the right to follow your own religious faith rather than being forced by the government to conform to someone else’s. That’s it. That’s all it means.


Plz deposit at gif bank if not already deposited.



“Things have come to a pretty pass when religion is allowed to invade public life.”
(Lord Melbourne on evangelical efforts to curtail the slave trade)
There are moral standards higher than civil law and we must allow both religious people and secularists to argue accordingly. Otherwise the government is God and there is no hope of reform.


Fuck the pope. No one who isnt Catholic, including our politicians (religion and politics shouldn’t mix just because one happens to agree with the religious opinion of the moment) should have given a moment’s notice to this tour.

LOL. That’s why they are protestants!

I think 1/6th is a pretty low bar to set for saying someone represents the other 5/6th. I think it was incredibly annoying that he was presented this way.

You misunderstand me. I didn’t say he represents 1/6 of all Christians, I said that Catholicism is followed by appx. 1/6 of the people on planet Earth. I completely agree that Catholic doctrine and the stuff the Pope preaches shouldn’t be confused with other Christian sects, but with his Church being so massive, he ends up being the default face of Christianity, unfortunately.


Ah I see, i misread the statistic. My bad.

But, but, but

… what if my religious faith commands me to expand my god’s authority over the mundane world?


Then there’s a promising career waiting for you in rightwing American politricks.


You know the old maxim that one “Oh, SHIT!” wipes out all your “'Atta boy(s)!” Pope Francis is back to square one with me for giving Kim Davis 15 more minutes of fame. I was already tired of her first 15. :stuck_out_tongue:


“… what if my religious faith commands me to expand my god’s authority over the mundane world?”

Then should do it by persuasion and legitimate political means rather than force. The first is an expression of democracy, the second demogogic theocracy.

yeah, i couldn’t understand at all why it was wall-to-wall pope week… until someone pointed that out to me.

( on the other hand, i wonder: who’s doing that polling? pope issues missive saying all humans are now considered catholic. hmmm… )


Do we have anything other than her word on what was said? For all we know the pope actually told her to eat shit, and stop flinging it at other people.


As a massive international business faith organization, I think the catholic church actually probably has a pretty good count of their customers adherents…


Well, I’m very disappointed. This is FUBAR. I think that @Pontifex needs to talk with @SistersofMercy about how to treat others. Not some four-time married, ignorant, brain-dead redneck.

He could, but the conversation would probably just be “Hey now, hey now na-now” over and over.