Porn companies carpetbomb Google with sloppy takedowns, remove tons of Github projects


I don’t know, isn’t this kind of a good thing in a way? I mean, you have a highly unsympathetic party (pornographers) using a bad law to obstruct legitimate internet activity. I can’t think of a much better way to demonstrate how bad the DMCA is.

[of course maybe that was your intent :wink: ]


I could believe that this was a porn-based project

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So… we just send takedown notices for all their customers’ websites, yes? Mutually Assured Destruction?

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If Takedown Piracy is using keywords to send bogus DMCA takedown notices on behalf of porn companies, then perhaps the CIA should hire them to do the same. The CIA torture report contains many of the same keywords used in porn titles.


There really IS a simple solution for this. Google needs to offer a 1-hour video explaining things like “fair use”. Every time they send a stupid blanket take-down request, somebody at the company has to take the training and pass a multiple-choice test before being allowed to send more take-down notices.

However, here is the key It is a PAID class. The cost for the class is:

cost = 2 ^ (number of times class has been taken before)

If a company or organization screws up, they pay $2 before they can submit notices. 2nd time, $4. 3rd time is $8. By the 10th violation, it would be over one grand.

It is plenty forgiving for beginners, but repeated violation would either stop them entirely or cost them dearly.

I am pretty sure that current copyright law would allow for this type of blockage, but it would be wonderful if it could work.


Behold the new approach to search-engine optimisation. If you want your own website to appear in Google searches with a high priority, just bombard Google with enough DCMA takedowns to remove everything else from the search lists.


Mmm… sloppy takedown.


In order to do that they would have to detect violations. Any idea what it would cost to read 39 million web pages and accurately identify the ones that infringe?

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“pure rebound lipstick”

Everytime the old family dog got a boner, Mom used to say “There’s his lipstick.”

Seems as good as time as any to share that.


If people complain that their legitimate web sites have been improperly taken down, then Google can do a quick investigation if any particular company gets too many complaints.

I am, assuming that there is an appeal process in the event that a legitimate site is targeted.

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There is no sense putting LIPSTICK on a pig. This is PURE rubbish. I do hope these sites REBOUND.

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“C’mon boy, red rocket!”

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Why do I feel like sending takedown notices against this company on a weekly/monthly basis? Let’s delist these fuckers from the web using the same no-penalty bullshit that lets them do it to us?

a BoingBoing-based raid? intriguing.

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You make it sound like she kept him under constant observation.


What are they doing about any project with LaTeX in the title?


Nah, you should save that one for around the dinner table.

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