Possible PBBB laptop RPG game

I think I’ve decided on that last quirk - Nic talks a lot in the lead up to a fight,

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I said that I had moved away from my horse to intercept and attempt diplomacy with the centaurs, and that I had gone to one knee in a sign of deference.

@daneel you don’t have Fast-Draw skill, so if you want a chance to get your sword out it’ll be at least a 12-yard knife toss.

@nimelennar coolio, I’ll revise the map a bit.

Yo, @discbot roll 3d6 vs 6

@William_George the 3d6 dice reads: 10 vs 6 (4,1,5)

Saved by the bot. :smiley:

Thwip rolls to relative safety regardless of Blue Hawk’s information being right or wrong.

Sheathing the janbiya, or keeping it in your left? Having it out gives you the option of a cross-parry (+1 to parry but precludes multiple parries, helps in resisting weapon breakage).

I’ll keep it in my left.

I just realised that I made an error in the archery math…

Range and speed are supposed to be calculated together, not separately (i.e. a 60 yard target moving at 12 yds/sec gets one 72 yard penalty).

In effect, this makes all of the shots at the centaurs four points easier. Which means that Nic’s first shot and both of Thwip’s were on target (just).

The centaurs still get a chance to Dodge, though.

@discbot roll 3d6 to Dodge Nic’s first shot
@discbot roll 3d6 to Dodge Thwip’s first shot
@discbot roll 3d6 to Dodge Thwip’s second shot

@Wanderfound the 3d6 dice reads: 12 to Dodge Nic’s first shot (2,4,6)
@Wanderfound the 3d6 dice reads: 11 to Dodge Thwip’s first shot (3,2,6)
@Wanderfound the 3d6 dice reads: 11 to Dodge Thwip’s second shot (5,4,2)

Throwing off-hand is -4, BTW.

No dodges…

I’ll need one damage roll for Nic, two for Thwip.

Nic’s arrow does 1d+1 impaling, Thwip’s bullets do 2d large piercing (for a few more shots, anyway, before the air pressure drops).

What does the “pi+” mean next to his damage for the weapon?

@discbot roll 2d6 for shot one
@discbot roll 2d6 for shot two

@William_George the 2d6 dice reads: 8 for shot one (6,2)
@William_George the 2d6 dice reads: 3 for shot two (1,2)

Large piercing. 1.5x damage to the torso, 3x damage to the vitals.

Should there be a location roll then?

Torso is the default location.

That’s 12 HP on the first shot, 4HP on the second.

The first one is a Major Wound, forcing a HT roll to avoid Knockdown and Stun.

@discbot roll 3d6 vs HT-13

@Wanderfound the 3d6 dice reads: 10 vs HT-13 (6,2,2)

Whatever the results are, he’s still under the carriage first chance.