Possible PBBB laptop RPG game

Okay, folks; we’re in fight-mode again. Let me know what y’all are planning on doing, keeping in mind the point that moving beyond Nic/Jibril’s position may get you stuck.

Well first up, lets see how well this web burns: Option 1: like an inferno: back towards the door coordinating with the others to cover the door in case a burning, angry spider chases us. Option 2: Clears a hex for movement: try and do so with enough hexes for party to advance and start ganging up on the spider.

something inbetween: like option two, but add in some backing clear of fires so Nic doesn’t crispy himself.

Will obviously warn, Jibril of impending web-fire, and take a stab/hack at any spiderbits that come within range.

Attempt to charm/control the creature.

(Do I think that has a chance of working)?

Same as always, letting the fighters go ahead, kneeling, waiting for his shot to open up.

If there’s an inferno Thwip will be leaping out the door instead.

If it’s just a really big spider, then “Control Vermin” (at triple energy cost due to the size) should work just fine. If it’s some weird human-smart demon thing, then you’d need more serious magic.

-1 to skill per yard of distance, though; gotta be fairly close for it to work.

For future reference: Unless something drastic happens and Thwip has to change tactics, “Kneel, aim and wait for the shot” will be how I’ll handle each combat with non-sentient non-humanoids.

Anything capable and willing to talk will be talked to if the opportunity isn’t taken away in a mad clash of steel on steel.

Including the time for clearing the web and looking around the room, it’s been about thirty seconds since the spell was cast. At 2FP/minute, y’all had better be quick about the exploration of these doors if you’re planning on leaving spidey loose. :slight_smile:

I don’t suppose pony riding skill would translate well to riding a giant spider into battle… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Are we still risking getting trapped in the web every time we move, or do we have clear pathways now?

Clearing web with the torch is easy; you can melt a path wherever you need one.

The route between the doors is cleared, the rest is still pretty webby.

First minute done; Hawk is now at 5FP unless you want to let the spell expire.

At 3FP, you’re at half Move and Dodge. At 0FP, you fall down and can’t get up. Beyond that, you need to spend powerstones or HP.

The real question is will the spider act like a D&D monster and keep attacking or act like an actual spider and get the fuck away from the alpha predators?

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And what effect does being subject to magical mind control have on its mood? :slight_smile:

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Keep it going for another minute. If there’s nothing worth exploring in this room, we’ll leave the poor creature in its home (admittedly, a bit destroyed).

Lockpicking defaults to one minute per attempt. If you make the roll and open the lock, each point by which you succeeded shaves five seconds off the required time.

Jibrīl has Pick Locks - 12; the good quality lockpicks give a +1 to skill. No other modifiers.

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Rolling 3d6, target 12 or lower?

13 unlocks it in one minute; 12 in 55 seconds; 11 in 50; etc.

@discbot roll 3d6 to pick lock.

@daneel the 3d6 dice reads: 12 to pick lock. (3,5,4)

So, you get it just as Hawk’s spell needs to be renewed again. Y’all wanna make a narrative thread post describing the scene as Hawk hurries you on while Jibrīl works?

The jars and bottles do look as if they may have been medical supplies, although any labels have long since faded.

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