Post-Covid McDonalds will surveil your approach and prepare your meal just in time

ALL the speed, perhaps some form of vacuum tube system to deliver fries direct to my face area.

(luckily I basically never eat fast food unless necessary…it’s generally a regret filled time)


This has been in the works for a long time:


So that it sucks and blows? :wink:

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The only thing I ever eat from McD’s is their soft-serve cone, because it’s pretty much the same as any other soft-serve cone from any other restaurant. They don’t even have cherry pies anymore.


Agreed!. I have the Taco Bell app. Used to be you would mobile order and it would be sitting on the counter when you arrived. Now they won’t even touch your order until you say your name at the drive-up speaker. The app is little better than ordering at the drive-thru.

This reminds me, in 1994, the same year Nixon died, there was a new Ronald in the TV commercials. Coincidence???


Fuck post covid. This shit has to stop. I want to interact with people. I want fresh food inside a restaurant, not stale overpriced delivered nonsense. I want to never wear a fucking n95 again unless it’s at the hospital. I want to be in crowded places. I sure as fuck don’t want to do any more zoom meeting. Fuck zoom.

What’s this post covid nonsense? Why wouldn’t things return to normal?

Oh, they absolutely do operate differently. It’s called we don’t “want to pay for surge demand labor” (i.e., have a handful of staff come in to work the breakfast/lunch transition, through the lunch slam, and into mid afternoon) because Labor Costs Money, and if we have to hire three more people to work the lunch rushes, then the CEO can’t afford this year’s 100 foot yacht purchase and might have to settle for keeping last year’s 100 foot yacht.

Retail fast food is a balancing act of having just enough staff to keep the location making profit after skimming money off the top for the owner.


It’s BECAUSE people don’t grok the concept of “Hey, if I’m sick, I should STAY THE FUCK HOME SO I DON’T SPREAD MY FILTH TO OTHERS”. Combined with a compleatly incompetent response by the government, active “MASKS ARE TAKING MAH FREEDUMS AWAY!!!111ONEONEONEONE” and other smooth brained idiocy bullshit, and that’s why we are still dealing with this.

(there’s a MUCH longer, and bigger brained answer, but I’m too tired to actually type it up before the topic closes.)

Primarily, because there was shit we pretty desperately needed to fix anyway prior to the pandemic that are now being shown to be beyond broken. You don’t go through something like this, especially when your government is literally failing in its job because of pre-existing issues that already needed to be addressed, and go back to “normal”… because then you’ve failed to learn a lesson and to improve society. Not learning and growing only opens you up to further breaking, maybe to the point of never coming back to anything remotely normal. Then all your doing is sweeping structural problems back under the rug that you can no longer stand on.


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