I built some squirrel houses for our tree, they’ve seen a few litters over the years. This guy was born a couple yeas ago, he actually knocks at the back door for nuts. This is what he does when he wants more after we cut him off.
My pleasure. And now, a treat: Did you know that hummingbirds have forked tongues?
I was amazed to see how they stretch their tongues and eat small bugs. But a forked tongue?! It is too much for me.
Woah, the photo quality is low because I had to snap in a hurry through a sort of dirty window, but check out this scruffy guy:
A juvenile male cardinal. I guess adolescence is awkward for most species!
we have some juvie blue jays that are also in their awkward molting phase. they haven’t got their crest feathers in yet and look rather silly, as if their heads are too small!
still, I love our jays, there are now eight individuals who come to the porch for peanuts.
Nice! I’ve been wanting to mount a tray feeder outside my office window for a while now so I can put out treats for the jays without it getting glutted by the squirrels.
The jays here let us know when it’s time to clean the gutters by rooting around in them for treats and throwing all the gross black leaves onto the porch. Helpful little punks.
squirrels get lots of love (and peanuts) around here! I am buying 25# of raw peanuts every 3 weeks or so. I guess they get about a pound a day.
errbody eats when they come to my house!
One reason why I don’t deadhead the bloomed out echinacea: goldfinches!
Crappy cell phone photos sneaked through the window because the little buggers are camera-shy.
Pretty birds! I’m fairly sure we’ve been hosting every bee and seed-eating bird for a mile around on the sunflower explosion. I can’t get any good pics of the birds.
Unrelated but topical: I was trying to sketch. It didn’t work.
another Wednesday at the marina. charter boat Charisma cleaning a major haul of fish on the dock where five nurse sharks and a beautiful stingray have gathered to feast on the scraps:
the largest shark is 2 meters and the stingray is 1.5m across wingspan. a graceful ballet in the clear water at the Pilot House Marina, Key Largo!
Stingrays feel like wet velvet. Not the stabby pointy bit, of course…
@hotel White fur in the sun, black void in the shadows.