Last Sunday he threw up some clear rust colored foul smelling stuff three times. The odor is not good, it means a possible blockage but he was using the liter box so a blockage wasn’t likely.
The next day he vomited some even more nasty stuff and he quit eating but he was still drinking plenty of water and using the liter box, he was sleeping a lot but did not appear weak. We couldn’t get through to his vet so Dr. Google it was. We stopped all medication and gave small doses of generic Pepcid, that calmed his stomach but he didn’t eat for 3 days.
On the 4th day he started eating dry food and the next day he was back to his usual begging self several times a day. No idea what he had but it wasn’t fun.
On a side note I tried one of those online vet chat things for 40 bucks, useless waste of money.
This is him scaring us early in the week. He was barely breathing, lightly touching his ear causes it to twitch so we know he’s still with us.
And Mrs. Seizure kitty sat with me the other day. She normally doesn’t do that. And I think I’ll have to change her nickname because she’s been seizure free for a few months.
No photo, but I just witnessed a juvenile bald eagle (we had a successful nest this past year!) dive-bombing to attack a Canada goose on the water. Didn’t get him, though.
She’s been relocated to the space between the couch and the wall and the mama has definitely calmed down. She’s still very feisty, but I no longer fear for my hide…as much.
When one fosters new kittens that haven’t been named in the shelter’s system yet, we get to name them. I’m thinking something related to storm clouds based on her coloring…Nimbus?
Any suggestions?