Post your Pet or animal Pics (Part 2)

I love reality shows.


I wonder what would happen if you had a live cam of her, so she could watch herself on the screen. I mean, it would be a little like having a mirror, but not quite the same, because she wouldn’t have to be facing the camera in order to see herself…


I fear for the safety of the screen. The other day she had the biggest jump scare when she saw her image reflected on a tv that was turned off. That was the real black mirror. But I think it’s worth a try. Do animals recognize themselves on TV?


Oooh, are you really going to do it? I figure it would have to be a live cam, because if it was recorded video of her, how could you be sure if she really recognized herself? But with live cam maybe you would see her testing it, like, If I move my paw does the kitty on the screen move its paw too? But I don’t really know; that’s just my thought.


None of our cats react to mirrors, maybe they can’t see their reflection.

We’ve put those videos on YouTube meant for cats on the giant screen, 2 of them don’t care, the other ones will jump up at the screen and one of them will try looking behind the tv to see where they’re coming from. I wonder what kind of nightmares they have after seeing giant squirrels and birds in the big window in the living room that appear from nowhere.

They will all lay and watch the videos on a phone screen.


That is the one after my own heart, lol.


Tovar knew a neighbor who was also a Border Patrol supervisor and offered to take in the dogs while their owners were processed. The families were to be given Tovar’s information so they could call as soon as they were released, and the organization was given the owner’s information. A few days after people were released from Border Patrol custody, the owners would reach out to the Buddy Foundation. It’s hard to say what was happening to dogs prior to the arrangement, Tovar said.

Thank dog for the Buddy Foundation!

I saw a report on NBC about a family who ended up in Brooklyn. They traveled from a Central American country with their puppy. Carried her a lot of the way through jungles and streams. They wrapped their doggy like a baby and was able to smuggle her/him all the way to Brooklyn. :smiling_imp:

The dog is doing well!


The buck doesn’t sploot.


any minute now…


The crowd falls silent…The bun is lowering himself…lower…lower…will he sploot?

Nope, the buck stops there.

Yeah, it was low-hanging fruit, wasn’t it? I bet you’ve heard every buck-stops-here joke possible…


LOL! Actually, I’m usually the one making a variation of that joke :wink:

The buck just stopped here…


Here’s a question about kitten nursing…

I intend to keep Dulce the rescue cat and her kittens, Ripley and Charlie. They are eating solid food, but are also still nursing from Dulce when they want to (they’re in their tweens already). Is it in any way harmful to allow them to continue nursing?


Not an expert but weening is usually between 8 and 10 weeks. Ducle’s milk supply should be waning and she’s probably starting to get annoyed with their teeth. The nursing might be more comfort than food, especially since they were all so sick. You could encourage less nursing by separating the kittens from Ducle for an hour or two at a time and feeding more often. Also make sure they’ve got plenty of fresh water.
I don’t think there is a problem with it continuing but it doesn’t end in a few weeks you might want to consider asking a local rescue for advice or visiting the vet.
Also- no way she could be pregnant again right?


Oh no, she was spayed very soon after having the kittens.

You may be right about the comfort. Charlie spends more time with Dulce since he’s not as brave and outgoing as Ripley, but when Dulce calls they both go running to her.
I need to go talk to the vet about the possibility that Dulce has nasal polyps, so I’ll ask if it really matters if they continue nursing when I go.


So not technically pet or animal, do bugs count as animal?

We went outside today and the grasshopper was mugging for the camera.

Then, a little later, we saw Mrs. Feral stalking something and trying to play with it, that’s when we found Mr. Praying Mantis. He got relocated to the hydrangea bush out front where he’d be safe.

Charlotte (my wife named it) has been living in our window for a couple weeks. We’ve tried relocating it but when you open the window it scurries off into the drain hole for the window. It comes back in a couple minutes.


We had a juvenal mantis on our kitchen window screen during the big storm on Monday. I’m wondering if it’s the same one I found in the garden a couple months ago (it was all of an inch tall)? It was so cute at 1", puttin’ up it’s dukes. :heart_eyes:


I went back to make sure it was okay, took a while to find it because our hydrangeas are huge.

This is one cool bug.


The pigeons on the other side of the window were teasing her.


I envy your hydrangeas and cool insects. Which I think count as animals for the purpose of this thread.

@BakaNeko her ear tilts are so expressive!