Post your Pet or animal Pics (Part 3)


We’ve been working all week at an outdoor show at a metro park.

Metro Parks are parks around suburbs of Detroit.

This one is on Lake St. Clair between Lake Erie and Lake Huron.

Our choices were after we finished, go work some more or take a 2 hour walk on the trails.

Guess what we did. We never did go back to work.

We’ve walked within a few feet of alligators on trails in Florida but walking within touching distance of swans while they hiss at you is pretty scary.


Further proof that cats are liquids.




Nimbus absolutely poured out like a liquid. A sticky viscous liquid vaguely resentful of being ejected



ca…at? edition?


this Gavan/ Rimada book of kittehs looks fun!

i love this book of litho’s of cats in Warhol (and his mum’s) sphere. not a well-known book, but a copy (of the reprint!) was gifted to me many years ago. it is a treasure.

i like that they created these images of very New York kittehs and made this book of their own images, together. not photographic treatment, but celebrating NY cats, nonetheless.


We took another walk on the nature trail this morning after work.

I was looking for turtles but my wife noticed the first frog, they’re hard to spot but once you know what to look for, they’re everywhere.

Lots of monarchs flying around.

And now the frogs.

And some good old fashioned nature.


We had a visitor today

Thinking of moving the water to a more open area. I read that’s better for birds to avoid land predators. But we also have hawks…


We got her.

It’s taken years for my wife to socialize her and a few weeks to get her in the cage.

My wife sat on the ground outside the cage and slowly moved her food dishes into the cage.

Once she started sticking her head in the cage to eat she tried putting her in but she was hip to what was going on.

Finally this morning she put on the leather gloves and just scooped her up and stuck her in. Kitty is not happy right now but she’ll get over it.

Now she stays in the garage until we know she’ll use the litter box and then a poop check at the vet and then inside.

Once we can get her in a carrier she gets a whole check up at the vet.

Hopefully this works out.


Kitty! Hope the vet check goes well


Please convey my congratulations on your wife’s successful campaigns :tada: both the one about socializing the kitty and getting you on board for another indoor kitty

In all seriousness, you and your wife are stellar humans for taking this lovely lady in and caring for her


download (2)


Yay! Great job. :heart:
I really need to step up our efforts to get the Old Man off the streets… He has resisted our attempts to catch him for years. I doubt he has much time left if he is left out there; hopefully we can make his last years ones of comfort.


You’re too good of a human.

I have wanted to help some of the street cats in my neighborhood, but it is a lot of work getting them comfortable with your presence. We were leaving food and water for them, but stopped when we noticed that the raccoons were enjoying it instead.


So, after emailing back and forth, the sanctuary agencies in Tijuana/San Diego have no available foster homes for any of the strays. And still the animosity continues to increase here at home, with little understanding that fleas or other vermin are not caused by or attracted solely to cats. I believe a select few of the neighbors are intent on getting rid of The Gringo by any justification. I mean, what are they going to do when the gringo isn’t around to spay or neuter the strays anymore? I doubt anyone is going to use the local programs all of a sudden if they never would before. :man_shrugging:t2:

The holidays are coming soon, and if anyone bought just one painting I could build a cage outside the window on the narrow patio to keep the cats contained, as well as protect them.

Meanwhile, working on a cat painting for CleverEmi…


Good morning Heron!

Good morning, noisy ducks



She wasn’t doing well in the garage. She used the litter box but she was barely eating so we decided to bring her in to see if she had more space she’d feel safer.

We cleared out the spare bedroom and made it easy to clean with a couple litter boxes and 2 hiding places for her.

She’s really calm and is in one of the cubbyholes. She also tried out that bunk bed I made.

There’s a strict no other kitty contact in place, we’re taking a chance but it was try this or let her back in the wild.

I also loaded the room up with cameras so we can watch and keep her away from the door when we want to go in.


Sarah's Scribbles