Pothole in your neighborhood? Tell Portland Anarchist Road Care to fix it

Anarchists not obeying authority is totally Punk Rock! Anarchists not obeying authority in order to patch and maintain infrastructure so the mass populace can continue to work in their normal fashion is totally 70’s soft rock.

You can’t know much about anarchism then. The roads will still need fixing after The Revolution.

Punk is just Do It Yourself culture, and that Ⓐ symbol? It means anarchy is the mother of order.


AKA slippery tiles that are an absolute deathtrap for cyclist and motorcyclists.

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Tell me more. Especially the part about “the mother or order”.



Anarchy is the mother of order is a quote from Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, the first person to seriously describe themself as an anarchist and the creator of Mutualism. He also stated that “anarchy is order without power”, as well as “property is theft”.

The Ⓐ symbol was first used by Spanish anarchists who were members of the First International (before Karl Marx banned the anarchists at the Hague Congress).

It was later seen in the much simplified verson that is familiar today on some of the helmets of the anarcho-syndicalist CNT-AIT during the Spanish Civil war. I know that CNT members were running the telephone exchange in Barcelona, the Barcelona May Days was a Stalinist attempt to get them out and take over themselves, so the idea that they would repair roads is more than plausible.

My internet searches are failing me today, I had hoped to give you more and better references.


People who don’t approve of anarchist road repair and don’t have a reliable state run road repair team can always try what Wanksy does.


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